chapter seven

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I knocked on Rowund's thick study door, waiting for the scratching sound to pause before pushing it open. It doesn't pay to surprise a morroia, especially not their own home. He was poised with his writing wand to paper, looking at the door with a curious frown. "Are you back?"

I rolled my eyes. "I haven't left yet. I came to let you know that I'm leaving now."

"Try to be back before nightfall, even if you do not think you have enough, get home.

"Alright," I said, but he had already gone back to scratching out his note. My existence probably forgotten, but we're used to that. Rowund always had a lot on his mind. I hear the silent tap of footsteps that could only be Zenon in the passage and step out to meet him.

"Ready?" He said, throwing a pouch at me that I caught on pure reflex.

"Was just about to leave," I said checking the pouch and found two infused crystals. "I'm not sure I would need this, it's just information gathering. I'll meet Theo, then come back home."

"Take it all the same.  You never know."
I rolled my eyes, but pulled out the lion head locket I always have under my shirt, given to me by my mother when I turned 5 as a symbol of Zambini's protection.  I think the gods are too busy for us these days, or they would have intervened as our world has been slowly descending into what I imagine Yar to be like, but its all I  have left of her, so I've kept it. I traced the lion head to activate the storage spell Zenon built in for me. He watched me carry out the process like he wanted to be sure I did it just right. "Zee, I'm fine."

His eyes narrowed on the nickname, but he didn't comment on it. "I saw you with the girl. Should I be worried you won't keep your focus on this mission?"
I rolled my eyes. "Say her name," I said with a taunting smile.
"What does that have to do with anything?" He asked with a glare that doesn't work on me. I've known him for too long and too well to believe he would seriously hurt me even if he could.
"Because, if you have to avoid even calling her name, maybe I'm the one that should be worried if you'll lose focus," I said.

"My mission has not changed," he said through gritted teeth.

I shrugged. "Neither have mine. I know you always worry, but don't try to control me."

He took a step back like I had hit him, shaking his head. "People who lose focus  end up dead. All it takes, is a moment of distraction."

I held back a sigh. Zenon carries too many ghosts with him for his own good. "You're over thinking this. She pulls my protective instincts, that's all," I said.

Relief flashed in his eyes before he blinked it away, and I would have missed it if I didn't know him so well. Interesting. I guess he's not as unaffected by her as he's projecting. I filed that information away for later. "I'll see you later tonight, I've been commanded to come right back," I said. He nodded then continued towards his room.

I stopped to take deep breaths of the air outside before walking towards the wards. I stopped for a moment for it to scan me before granting me passage and I took off at a light jog, first on two feet, then I let my spirit fly free and I began running on four. Shifted is when I felt most free, like releasing a tether within myself and finally embracing all that I am.

I circumvented the small village of Astralyn that we live at the outskirts of heading north, towards Verdentia. My appointment with Theo is set for noon, I glanced up and noticed that the sun is almost overhead and lengthen my stride, pushing for maximum speed. The feel of the wind running through my furs and my paws digging into the loose earth are the best feelings in the world. Running just to run reminded me of my freedom and what I would do to keep it.

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