chapter three

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I always appreciate feedbacks and constructive criticisms are welcome. What I post here is only the first draft and has not been edited at all. Please bear with me.

"And this, is the library,” Baltha said as he pushed another door open. There were so many books I squealed before I could control it and he grinned. “I noticed you eyeing the books in Rowund's office. You can't take those without asking, but you can always take any book from here."

I nodded energetically, abandoning him at the door to run my hand over my new friends. I glanced through the shelves. “Is there an otherworld section?" I asked, turning to him.

“I'm not sure, but I could check. Anything in particular you're looking for?“

I bit my lip wondering if I could tell him. “Well… I've been reading up on this place called earth.“
I peeked at him from under my lashes and he seemed to be contemplating something. Atleast he didnt laugh. I would have hurt him if he laughed. I eyed his size again. Well I would have tried.

"I'm not sure we have anything on that. Zenon would know though." he said.

"Yeah… Well, I'm definitely not asking him."

He chuckled. "He's not that bad."

I made a noncommittal sound. "If you say so."

"How did you all even get to live here anyway?" I asked, still running my hands over the nearest books I'm looking forward to devouring. It took me a few beats to realize my question was met with silence. I turned back to Baltha and saw that his expression had shuttered and his stance tense.

“Come on, I'll show you to your room,” he finally said, not even looking at me anymore.
Great. There goes me trying to make a friend. What had I said?
"This is your room,” he said, gesturing to a door right in front of us. His posture was slightly more relaxed, but his expression was still guarded.

I pushed it open. The room contained all the basics in a glance. Great. All the walking around is making it harder to breathe but I'd hate to show my new not friend any weakness. “Does it lock from the inside?“

“It should…”

“Great. Bye,” I said, slipping in and shutting the door in his face. Dealing with people was too hard. I was beginning not to feel too bad that the maids mostly ignored me. Then I remembered I had nothing to my name and opened the door once more to see him still standing there looking confused. I gave him a sheepish grin. "So... I don't have anything to wear," I said.

"Oh," he said, "I'll let Rowund know. I'm sure someone will be by later to get you a few clothes and things you can use for now."

"Okay then, thanks," I said, slamming the door in his face once more. I felt a pinch of guilt. He was nice to me, but I was exhausted.
I sat on the bed, holding on to one of the iron post at the foot of the bed, trying to catch my breath while my heart struggled to pump fast enough to catch up. I pressed my left hand to my chest like I could aid it from the outside. It had become more of a habit than a helpful gesture at this point. I've often wondered how long I had before my heart simply gives up. Everyday, the hollow feeling inside of me seems to take more space. I wondered if my insides were being emptied out somehow.
I laid back on the bed and shut my eyes, taking deep breaths until my racing heart reached an acceptable rate for me, which was when I realized my stomach was now trying to eat itself and I had no idea where the kitchen was and I doubt there are maids to drop food in my room. Looks like I'll be braving my new housemates once again.

I contemplated ignoring it, and my stomach growled so loudly I put my arms around it, looking around to see if anyone heard, though I logically knew there was no one else in the room.
I got up and quietly retraced my steps back to Rowund's study, praying that there's still someone there that could point me in the right direction. I thanked my somehow great sense of direction as soon as I saw the fairly familiar dark door. I was about knocking when an unfamiliar voice gave me a pause. "Her aura is weak. Weaker than any other person or creature I have ever met," it said.

I frowned, wondering who they were talking about. "What does that mean?" Baltha said, and my frown deepened. Still confused.

"So, we've been waiting and searching for this long, and now we find her but she's weak?" Another slightly familiar voice said, making me realize my new housemates were having a meeting, and unless they make a habit of picking up random girls, then the she they were speaking of, was me.

"If she is weak, then she is of no use to us," the first unfamiliar voice, said. Probably Zenon, I can just picture him having that amount of haught and disdain in his voice.

"Enough. We do not know what her weak aura means. Let us not jump to conclusion. We can test her first, then we will know what is next," Rowund said. Sounding too calm for someone deciding the fate of another person. Almost like it's the norm for him. Who are these people? What do they want with me? And test me? What would their testing entail? What would happen if I fail, would they simply kill me?

"Shhh… I think she might be-"
I darted through the first door I saw before Baltha completed his sentence. I had heard enough and had no intentions of letting them catch me eavesdropping. I took two turns and ended up in the kitchen. Great. Now I can successfully ignore them for as long as possible. I saw two loaves of bread, contemplated for a second and took an entire loaf. They should deal with it. I also took an entire block of cheese and stacked a plate with as much fruits as I could carry and grinned at my findings. Now I just need to raid the library and I'll be ready for my isolation. Books are better than people anyway.
Taking my haul back to my room was challenging but oh so rewarding, then I went back and tried the library door also open. Today must really be my day. Hard to believe one of the gods smiled at me today, they normally never do. I took in the the heavy looking tomes, lined neatly but so many. How does anyone ever find anything here? I moved from shelf to shelf searching for maps but not finding any. What kind of library doesn't have maps? I came across a book I had never seen, but wouldn't have had a cause to read before even if I had, 'The races and cultures of Galderon'. When I go in search of father, I need to know what I'll be getting into. A book caught my eye and I gently pulled it out of the shelf. The title simply said, 'A new Galderon'. I flipped it open, curious.  I read a few paragraphs and frowned. It doesn't sound like any of the post war accounts I've read. Is this fiction? I went back to the beginning and checked, but no, it clearly says, true account. I added it to my growing pile, i moved to continue my search for maps, but hearing a sound outside, I quickly gathered my now sizable pile and moved as quietly as I could to my room. I'm not ready to face the occupants of this house. Not yet.

I assessed my stash, then picked up the book on Galderon's races and culture and flipped to the table of content.  I already know the races, even if I don't know much about them.  The Zambinians, Morrioans, and Esperians. I paused with a slight frown at a subtext under the Esperians titled 'The Osuwa'. Is this a race I had never heard of? I checked the page number and flipped to it. I made a sandwich, arranged the pillows around me for comfort, then began to read.

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