Petition for Protection of Domestic Agricultural Organizations

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Petition for Protection of Domestic Agricultural Organization

- Minister of Agriculture Shiori Park-dono

- President of the House of Peers Duke Yoshitomo Tokugawa-dono

- Speaker of the House of Representatives Shigeru Yamazaki-dono

3 February 2015

(Submitted by)

- Chairman of the Japanese Federation of Agricultural Organizations Yasunori Yokoyama

- Chairman of All Japan Agricultural Corporation Liaison Committee Viscount Yoshifumi Yamashita

(Introducing Member)

- Member of the House of Peers Count Yoshifumi Arima

- Member of the House of Peers Viscount Motohide Yoshizawa

- Member of the House of Peers Hiroko Asada, ScD

- Member of the House of Representatives Yasumichi Kaneda, J.S.D.

- Member of the House of Representatives Takashi Ōishi

- Member of the House of Representatives Takahiko Inoue

- Member of the House of Representatives Yoshiko Park

(To the Minister)

According to the provisions of the Petition Act, we will submit a petition, and we humbly request that you consider adopting our humble opinion during the internal review within the ministry.

(To the House of Representatives)

According to the provisions of the Petition Act, we will submit a petition, and we humbly request that you consider it during the deliberation of the House of Representatives.

I. Purpose and Reasons for the Petition

Due to the New World Transference, food imports from various countries have been cut off, leading to the risk of severe hardships for the people of our nation. In response, the agricultural community in Japan is united in its efforts to increase production and has been striving towards this goal every day. However, it is evident that increasing crop production takes time, and even with various measures such as converting fallow land into cultivated land and increasing the agricultural workforce, the results of increased production will only be seen after the harvest. Agricultural income is derived from harvesting and selling crops, and agricultural production entails significant costs. Furthermore, unlike industrial products, crop yields can be adversely affected by natural disasters, leading to anticipated reductions in yield.

Before the transference, our country imported nearly 100 million tons of agricultural products from Europe, North America, Australia, and Manchuria annually. From the perspective of food security, improving our nation's self-sufficiency in food production is an urgent task, and this is evident from the government's various stances and observations. However, the reality remains that we are currently reliant on food imports, and it is a prudent national strategy to diversify these imports from multiple countries.

With the cessation of imports from the aforementioned countries after the New World Transference and the need to increase imports from Manchuria, it is unquestionably necessary to take such measures to avert a food crisis. However, the agricultural products produced by the diligent Japanese agricultural workforce, who are striving to increase food production as mentioned above, are relatively costly compared to the agricultural products from Manchuria. If this cost is reflected in the prices, it will undoubtedly put Japanese crops at a disadvantage in the market competition against Manchurian produce.

(For Addressing the Minister) In light of these perspectives, the petitioners, representing domestic agricultural producers in Japan, hope that the Imperial Government will adopt the following measures.

(For Addressing the House of Representatives) In light of these perspectives, the petitioners, representing domestic agricultural producers in Japan, express their wish for the Imperial Government to adopt the following measures and request that the House of Representatives initiate a proposal.

II. Requests of the Petition

1. Impose necessary tariffs on agricultural products and agricultural goods imported from other countries to protect domestic agricultural products.

2. Provide subsidies to domestic agricultural producers for their agricultural products and agricultural goods.

3. Establish a tax system to stabilize the income of domestic agricultural producers.

4. Strengthen support for workforce participation to increase the number of domestic agricultural producers.

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