Wriothesley stared in awe at the man; he couldn’t see much of the man, but what he could see was that the man had white hair and a nice, tall stature.

Slowly Wriothesley approached, freezing when the man swiftly turned to meet his eyes- did he make too much noise? The man’s eyes are pink… that's quite unusual.

The man stiffened- tears were streaming down his face. Without a word, the man dived into his water. Wriothesley flinched at the sudden movement, not having expected it. He just hoped that man would be okay- he had dived into the sea and wasn’t back up.

Wriothesely sighed, slowly making his way back to his apartment, where he could bathe and rest- something he needed.
By the time Wrio woke, the man was no more than a distant dream to him- he was about to go out until he looked outside- it was pouring, worse than when he left work yesterday. He sighed, guess it’s an indoor day, then.


Wriothesely stepped outside, umbrella in hand- he would have stayed in all day, however, he needed to buy groceries. There was no one on the streets, not even any melusines.

The street had been strangely vacant since the start of the month, when the seemingly unending rainy weather had started. Then he froze; That familiar weeping from before.

Wrio hurried down the street, barely even noticing how drenched his clothes were getting.
As soon as he saw that white hair, he knew it was the same man as before. As quietly as he could- he approached the man. As soon as he stepped into the water the man whipped his head around. Wriothesley didn’t stop; the man seemed to be frozen in place.

When he was close enough, he carefully placed a hand on the man's shoulder- he had long dropped his umbrella.

“Are you alright?”

The man didn’t respond; he just stared at Wrio with those pink eyes- the eyes that Wriothesley wasn’t aware he was thinking so much about. They entranced him the last time he looked at them.

Wriothesley stared at him; that unreadable expression planted on the man's face. Despite the tears, it was difficult to read him.
When he didn’t respond, Wriothesley figured he would stay quiet as well. That was- until something scathed his leg; he flinched away, attempting to see what had touched him. When he looked back up, the man was gone… again? Was he hallucinating?
He frowned, before backing out of the water and grabbing his umbrella. His clothes were soaked from all that… and all for nothing. He sighed, slowly making his way back to his intended destination
After finishing up in the store, he walked back outside- the rain had calmed down by a large portion. Now, it was no more than the feeling of mist. He flinched as he overheard nearby fishermen speaking.

“You can’t seriously think that thing was a serpent- there are large fish, and seeing one of those seems more realistic.”

“But I've never seen a large fish THAT color! Seriously, it’s suspicious, you gotcha believe me!”

“Sea serpents aren’t real…”

Slowly the conversation faded away, making Wriothesley believe that the fishermen had passed.


Wriothesley rubbed the back of his calf, frowning as he glanced out the window. Both times he had seen the man- he had slipped straight through his fingers. He wasn’t even sure if this mysterious man he was seeing was even real!

After all- how would someone just disappear THAT quickly? It didn’t make any sense! Wriothesley sighed, pushing the thoughts of that man far away- he had work to get to.

So, Wriothesley sat at his desk, wincing at the pile of paperwork on his desk- it was larger than usual.
Not even an hour later Wriothesley had noticed a pattern. So much for forgetting that man…

Most of the paperwork was filled with requests to investigate a weeping man around the sea- or a sea serpent. For some reason, the two feel connected- especially with all the theories in the paperwork and requests pointing to these two specific cases.
Despite not wanting to deal with the guy again, he’d have no choice with this many requests.

Light Rains • WrioletteWhere stories live. Discover now