Chapter 10

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As the others dispersed, Uzui sauntered over to Shinobu, a curious glint in his eye. "Hey there, mind if we have a quick chat?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

Shinobu raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sure, what's on your mind?" she replied, her tone laced with curiosity.

Uzui knelt down to eye level with Shinobu, his expression serious. "It's about your suspect," he said, his voice low and confidential.

"What about him?" Shinobu asked, her interest piqued. "Do you know the redhead can control people's bodies?" Uzui asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I... Have heard of that ability of his," Shinobu confirmed, recalling the rumors she'd encountered.

"You do?" Uzui's surprise was palpable. "Yes, when I went to the swordsmith village, there was quite the brutal scene at the entrance. A band of bandits attempted to raid the village, but Sasori killed them," Shinobu explained, her tone thoughtful.

"Well, that's more proof," Uzui remarked, his tone resolute. Shinobu's expression turned skeptical. "Uzui, he protected the village. That doesn't prove he was the killer," she countered, shaking her head.

"What? No, I'm not talking about the murder," Uzui clarified, catching Shinobu off guard. "Then what are you talking about?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"This may sound crazy, but..." Uzui paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "But I think he's a ninja," he finally revealed, watching Shinobu's reaction closely.

"You're joking... Right?" Shinobu's disbelief was evident in her tone. "No, but what he clearly did was some kind of Ninjutsu," Uzui asserted, his conviction unwavering.

"Sure that ability of his is unnatural but that doesn't prove he is a 'Ninja' " Shinobu said "Shinobu. You about my past don't you?" Uzui asked placing a hand on Shinobu's shoulder "Yes. I do." Shinobu answered.

"Then you know I know my stuff. You have to trust me on this," Uzui asserted, his confidence unwavering.

"Okay, fine, let's say he is a ninja. What does that have to do with anything?" Shinobu sighed, feeling a bit uneasy about where the conversation was heading.

"Well, Shinobu, as you know from my backstory, I unfortunately had to... Kill my sibling," Uzui began, his tone somber. Shinobu nodded, recalling the painful memories Uzui had shared with her in the past. "Yes, I do know that. But what does that have to do with Sasori?" she pressed.

"Well, Shinobu, this Sasori could be a part of my family, one who left like me," Uzui revealed, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Shinobu looked taken aback by the suggestion. "Do you really have relatives with red hair?" she asked, trying to make sense of Uzui's theory.

"For all I care, he could be my third cousin twice removed. Shinobu, you have to help me see if he is a family member of mine," Uzui implored, his eyes earnest.

Shinobu sighed, feeling torn. "Fine, I'll help. But first, we need to know if he even is a ninja," she stated firmly, trying to bring the conversation back to practical matters.

"Good point. I'll go ask him," Uzui declared, standing up with determination.

"No, you can't just ask him," Shinobu interjected, her tone firm. Uzui looked puzzled. "Why not?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Uzui, if he is a ninja, do you really think he would tell you? And even if you say you're a ninja too, he'll think you're a family member here to get him back," Shinobu explained patiently, trying to make Uzui see reason.

"Fair point," Uzui conceded, bending down again. "What do we do then?"

"We have to be discreet," Shinobu replied, her mind already racing with plans. "Ninjas are usually known for their stealth, so we need to give Sasori a stealth mission. Depending on how good he is at it, we will have at least some kind of proof he is a ninja."

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