Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Edited

2 days before.... Thursday

"Excuse me?!" Red's voice was a mix of shock and fury. She loved her parents and she knew that they only wanted the best for her but to Red an arrange marriage was going way to fair to be called protective.

"You and Lycian Mortal will be getting married" her mother's voice was soft and calm.

"Whose idea was this?" Red continued to question her parents. This time it was her father who spoke.

"Lycian" His voice hard, as if to say; no more questions. Lycian was the bad boy at school. Know only for his good looks and short temper. which often lead into fight, not that red cared anyway. He was tall, and tanned with dark brown hair and shinning sliver eyes. His eyes were the only thing Red liked about him. The were different inhuman even.

"What!" Red all but screamed, she was far from impressed, she could have let it go if it was her parent's ideas but to hear that it was her apparently soon to be husband's idea. Red was pissed as she stormed outside slamming the door closed with a loud bang that rattled the house. She walked to school, her arms folded over her chest as she tried to control her ranging temper. Red didn't take notice of the tall boy that walked just a step behind her. She was too caught up in her anger.

"Hey." A deep voice spoke, a soft whisper to Red's ears that mad her grasp lightly as she jumped in fright. Head-butting the guy by accident. She began to apologies that was until she saw who it was she had head-butt.

"I'm so sorr- wait no. I'm not" her voice thick, with her brows frowned she stopped on Lycian's foot and stormed away pointing the finger as she left him standing there. The bell rang. Great Red thought as she went to get a late pass but again was stopped because of Lycian.

"I take it they told you" it was a statement.

"I'd cut your dick off if it wasn't illegal." Red snapped trying to step to the side to get past.

"So, they have told you" The smirk he gave her only pissed her off more, the fact that she found it kinda cute annoyed her. Key word; Kinda. Red thought to herself.

"Yep. Now move please" she pulled her best fake smile and again tried to movie past. Again Lycian did not budge.

"What if I don't want to?" He spoke his voice strong and soft, both sound perfect with each other like there own harmony.  Lycian was teasing her and Red was not going to let it slid.

"What if I don't want to get married" she snapped. she watched as a mix of emotions washed over Lycian's face, she slightly regretted saying it.  Before she could apologies and take it back Lycian stormed off. Red couldn't tell if he was annoyed or mad. "Who cares" Red thought, but the nagging voice at the back of mind said she did. "No we don't" She thought back, before walking into the offices and receiving a late pass.

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