Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Edited

The bell rang singling the end of day, Red sighed with relief, as she headed out the door. Lycian hadn't bothered her the rest of the day. Though she couldn't say the same about his groupies, they sure had it in for Red. She knew they disliked her, but if they saw her with Lycian, they would lay an egg. It was when Red reached her locker did she remember that she had detention. Groaning she turned and head for the library, at least she could catch up on some reading she thought to herself.

Red tried to supers another groan when her eyes landed on Lycian. She wasn't surprised to find him, more annoyed at herself that she had thought of it before hand. His little groupies hung around but instead of the hoes it was the football. Lycian was caption of the football team, this of cause only add to his bad boy image. Rolling her eyes at the smirk that he gave her Red sat down in the corner pulling out a book and began to read. She didn't turn to see who it was that now stood in front of her sit, she could already tell by the ripped dark coloured jeans.

"Can I help you?" she asked as she turned the age in her book.

"Dinner at six. Tomorrow night. My place." Lycian told Red, not asked. Still she was surprised, so surprised that she actually l0oked up from her book. Her eyes question, as she tried to figure out what his angel was. It was then that she noticed that the others where staring, she shifted her gaze back to her book and tried to ignore Lycian and his spying friends. But Red couldn't shaking their gaze.

"Umm, could we maybe do this later?" She questioned quietly, hoping they wouldn't hear, she shifted her gaze from Lycian to his friends and back again. Lycian saw the shred of weakness and used it to his advantage. he

"Say yes and I'll go." he spoke loud and clear, the others hotted in laughter.

"please can we talk later, their staring" Red asked again, angle her head in the direction of the others.


He stared down at his little mate a smile playing at the edge of his lips. He knew she was shy, and right now he found her shyness abusively adorable. He could believe she was his mate. It was rare for a wolf to be mated with a human but an alpha mated to a human that was unheard of. Not only was Lycian an alpha he was also next in line for hell.

He wanted Red so bad, despite the fact that he hardly knew her. He was glad that her parents where weres it made it easier for him to persuade them to give their daughter up to him adopted or not. he wonder if Red knew that her parents weren't her parents.

"I'm not leaving until i get an answer." Lycian spoke as he pulled a chair out and sat in front of Red hoping to ease his and her discomfiture a little by blocking his pack-mates view. he knew they were staring the minute he walked over here he also knew knew that they were checking Red out, he growled at them through his mind, projecting the message so only they knew that Red was his pray.

"....No, I"m busy Friday night-" Red began, though Lycian tried to hide it his smile doped a little smile dropped a little "- But Saturday I'm free." Red fished, Lycian's smile brightening back up again as he stood and walked back to his pack-mates.

"See you tomorrow, Little Red" he called over his shoulder, his wolf was impressed too when they saw her turn a light shade of red.

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