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A/n: in this chapter, we're going to meet all of my oc's! so I hope yous like them!!

Vanessa's POV

September 1st, 1992

"I feel like that train station gets harder to navigate every year," I say to Lee as we walk towards the platform.

"Although that's extremely unlikely, I could see it," he replies, only half paying attention as he scans the crowd for the Weasleys. We all came together but got separated when Lavender and Ronald ran off somewhere and we spit up to look for them. "Oi! I think I see them, I'll see you on the train?" he asks, already walking in the other direction.

"Yup, I'm going to go find Katie!" I called back, turning back toward the crowd. I've been friends with Katie since my 2nd year, she's in the year behind me but she was put in more advanced classes so we had potions and astronomy together.

"NESSA!" a familiar voice calls, I turn to see my roommate, Alyssa, accompanied by Isabelle (Izzy), our third roommate

"ALYSSA, IZZY!!" I call back, walking towards them, "How were your summers?' I ask as Izzy pulls me into a hug, I'm not particularly fond of physical touch but it's Izzy's love language, and they reply at the same time

Alyssa: "Awful"

Izzy: "Fantastic"

they both turn to each other and laugh lightly

"my mother thinks I need to try harder with my studies because I got ONE "a", she thinks if I don't keep my grades up I'll get expelled but I keep trying to tell her that just because I'm a muggle-born, that doesn't mean that I'm forced to do better then anyone else," Alyssa explains with a sigh, I can tell that she's frustrated, her parents were utterly shocked when they found out that their daughter was a witch, and they almost didn't even let her attend Hogwarts, luckily Mcgonagall convinced her that the school is very accepting of all witches and wizards no matter their background.

"Aw, I'm sorry, I'll help you study," I reply, placing a hand on her shoulder

Alyssa: "Thanks, I'm just so tired of her freaking out, you know she writes to me daily"

"Oh Godric, I'm forever grateful that at least one of my parents is a witch."

Alyssa: "Wanna switch?", we all laugh, before I remember what I was doing

Me: "Oh, have either of you seen Kaite? I haven't seen her yet."

Alyssa: "No, but we'll help you find her."

the three of us continue walking around the station for about 10 minutes before we finally spot Alyssa, she's sitting on a bench surrounded by all of her Slytherin friends, well we're all friends but she's the only one in the same house and year as them

"ohhh katiee," I say, drawing out the words while we walk over to her.

Katie: "Oh, Hi Nessa! Lyssa, Izzy. I didn't see any of you when I walked in?"

Me: "I've been looking for you for the last 10 minutes, I thought you were going to be late."

Katie: apologetically "Never, I saw Mattheo and Pansy so I stopped over here for a second but I forgot to come find you!"

Me: "Hi, Pansy, Mattheo", I wave, hugging Pansy. "Alright, well I guess it's time to board, so I'll see you guys when we arrive." we all say our goodbyes and me Lyssa and Izzy walk back towards the train.


"VANESSA ESSA NESSA," All three of us turn at the sudden yelling only to see Fred with his hands around his mouth, trying to amplify his voice as Lee and George laugh beside him. "Alyssa, Isabelle," he greets at a normal volume once they reach us.

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