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September 1st, 1992

vanessa's POV

after a loooonngggg train ride and an incredibly boring welcome ceremony, we were finally back in our dorms. Usually, I would go back to the Gryffindor common room with the boys after the welcome ceremony, but I wanted to wait a bit to ask Lee about Alyssa and I honestly don't think I'll be able to hold it in if I go now.

"Nessie, do you mind if I put up my posters?" Lyssa calls from her bunk

I turned to face her with a confused look; she had the same Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins posters since first year. It was actually how we became friends. In first year when we met at the train, she had headphones on and I asked what she had been listening to, she didn't tell me at first because she thought people would judge her for listening to muggle music. Turns out we had the same music taste. "No? You put them up every year, don't you?"

"Yeah, but I still like to ask just in case you change your mind,"

"Oh, DUH you can put up whatever decorations you want, the room clearly needs it." I gesture to the plain walls and unmade four-poster beds "Speaking of music" I reach for my trunk, "check out all of the records I bought!"

I turn back to my trunk and reach for my record player "What the fuck?" I wonder aloud, and Alyssa starts walking over to me.

"What's happened?"

"They're gone" I start to panic so I unpack, my clothes, books, wand, shoes annnnd- non of this is mine "Oh shit" I say, breaking the silence.

"What' happened? Did you forget something?" Lyssa over my shoulder to see what's in the trunk. I place all the items back into the trunk and look at the initials on the side. L.J.B as in Lee Jorden Brown, as in, not mine. The elves must have switched them.

"Oh my Godric," she laughs, "you've got to be the only person I know that this would happen to, i mean really, it's not even the same colour as yours."

"Exactly! How did the elves swap them!" I wonder for a moment before realising how unlikely that is, the house elves have never messed this up before and know my cousin..

"Never mind, I bet Lee had something to do with it" I roll my eyes and slam the trunk shut.

"Hey, guys," We turn to see Izzy finally entering, along with Cho, our honorary roommate, after staying extra long at the ceremony. "do want to go to Hogsmeade this weekend with the boys, I just ran into Lee" she not-so-subtly winks at Alyssa. "And he told that they were going and to invite you lot."

Me and Lyssa look at each other before turning back to Izzy

Me: "Sure!"

Alyssa:" Why not," she shrugs

Me: "I'll let them know we're going because I'm going over there right now" I grab the trunk and start to leave, "unless, of course, somebody wanted to come with me so we could see if anyone gives them any longing looks or goes out of their way to speak to them?" I batt my eyes at Alyssa, Izzy looks between us before joining my look.

"Yeah I mean, I'll be fine here with Cho if anyone wants to go with you!!" Izzy smiles

"Nope, not happening." Lyssa shuts us down, walking back to her bed.

"Fine, fine, I'll just go and try to get information alone."

"Wait, what happened?" I hear Cho ask

"Oh, babe we've got so much catching up to!" Izzy squeals as I close the door


I make it all the way to the entrance of the Gryffindor common room before realising I don't know the new password. "Ohh my fuck.", I turn around frustrated, trying to see if there are any wondering Gryffindors. But there was no such luck. Great.

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