first prank of 4th year

5 0 0

September 9th, 1992

Vanessa's POV

I barely step foot into the great hall for lunch when the boys start dragging me out.

In the most literal way possible

Fred and Lee both grabbed one of my arms and started dragging me out the door, forcing me to walk backwards and face George.

"Can I at least eat first?" I ask, after all, I missed breakfast, I couldn't sleep the night before and ended up spending most of my night sitting on my balcony (a perk of being a Ravenclaw), looking at stars until around 3, so I was falling asleep while getting ready.

"No." Lee deadpanned

"I grabbed you something," Fred says at the same time.

Thank Merlin for Fred Weasley

"Thank you!"

"of course"

It's silent for a beat before I open my mouth again

"Can I turn around?"


We ended up spending the rest of lunch going over last-minute details for an escape plan as well as 3 different backup escape plans (thanks to me, but I really can't get a detention this close to tryouts), and now it's time.

I stand in the crowded classroom and crack my knuckles one by one, waiting for the time to pass.

when the clock hits 1:00 George and I have to ask to go to the toilets and begin searching for wondering staff members. As soon as the time changes I look at George he nods. It's time.

we made it through every important corridor without any sight of professors, Mrs. Norris or Peeves. "I think we're good," I say to George, he nods in response and we turn around so we can make it to our meeting spot in time.

we all met up at the top of the astronomy tower since there were no classes during the day, so we had a perfect view of the prank.

"Get ready" Fred grinned, as if activated by his words alone, it starts.


screaming from students is heard from various directions, but we barely hear it, too pumped up with adrenaline, jumping around and grinning like idiots.

L.F.V.G is displayed in bold colours in the sky. When I look over at Fred he's completely mesmerized by it. His eyes are glowing and he hasn't stopped smiling, George wears a similar expression. I turn towards Lee and we share a knowing look; these boys are meant for this.

all of our happy thoughts are interrupted when Mrs. Norris creeps behind us.

"Um, guys I really do hate to ruin this but wherever she is, Filch isn't far behind.." I half-whisper

they all turn to see what I'm talking about.

"Fuck me" Fred groans "Lee get the cloak" Just as Lee goes to cover them, George swats his arm.

"what about us you wankers!" He whisper shouts.

Fred and Lee glance at each other, then at me and George.

"good luck?" Fred says. he pulls the cloak over them and just like that, they're gone.

"fuuuuuck" I roll my head back

"Where can we hide?" George murmured

I assess the area; nothing. the one downside of the astronomy tower, it is too open.

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