Y/n's summer just got Weirder when he finds a watch that turns him into aliens. him along with his best friend Jennifer tennyson become the ultimate Heroes
The final bell of school rings and a stampede of kids run out of the school heading home for the summer. Among them are two ten year olds, Jennifer Tennyson and Y/n l/n.
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Jen: Hey Y/n what are you planning to do for the summer?
Y/n: oh I'm gonna live that gamer lifestyle. locked in my room playing sumo slammers all day
The rustbucket comes to a stop infront of the two, max steps out and greets the two.
Max: Hey there sports
Y/n: sup max, well Jen. have fun I know I will
Y/n was about to head home when max stopped him.
Max: where are you going?
Y/n: home, everybody's got one
Max: oh no you don't
Max holds up a duffle bag
Max: I took the liberty of asking your mother if I could take you with us this summer. she was more than happy to accept.
Jen just started to giggle uncontrollably Y/n looks at her in disbelief.
Y/n: you knew didn't you?
Jen: yep and the look on your face was priceless.
Y/n: well there goes my summer plans.
Jen pulls a disappointed Y/n into the Rv.
Max: don't look so down. you two will have company?
Max points behind the two. when they turn around they both had mixed reactions. Jen was annoyed and Y/n hits his head repeatedly against a nearby cupboard.
Jen: Gwen!?
Jen throws her arms up while Y/n cursed his luck.
Jen: Grampa! what's she doing here?!
Gwen: Relax Dweeb! someone convinced my mother that this would be a good thing for me. So instead of going for my own summer plans, I'm stuck with my dumb cousin and her weirdo friend
Y/n: nice to see you too gwen
Gwen ignores him in favor of using her computer.
Jen: Don't bother with her! She's just a doofus!
Gwen: and you two are just dweebs
Jen: Doofus!
Gwen: Dweeb!
Y/n walks up to the front of the R.V.
Max: something tells me it's gonna be a long summer.