Omnitrix trouble *filler*

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Gwen: guys a little Help would be nice.

Gwen Puts up a mana Shield Protecting them from the laser blast

Jen: I'm on it

She activates her watch And transforms into swampfire only to immediately time out.

Jen: Oh come on

Y/n: And azmuth says that's way better than the ultimatrix

Jen: will you drop it.

Y/n: He said my watch had bad Craftsmanship!

Kevin: L/n make yourself useful and clobber these forever knights.

Y/n: How about you make yourself useful-

Gwen's Mana shield begins to crack.

Gwen: will you both stop acting like kids and do something

Y/n: fine

He Activates the ultimatrix and turns into Humungousaur.

Y/n then clapped his hands together blowing the knights away with his sonic clap

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Y/n then clapped his hands together blowing the knights away with his sonic clap.

Kevin: wow you didn't mess up this time

Humungousaur: I don't want to hear anything from you Kevin because underneath that high-tech mask you look like a mix matched Jolly Rancher.

Y/n was hit in the face by a with a mana disk.

Humungousaur: Ouch!!

Gwen: I thought I told you to stop saying that

Humungousaur: but it's true

Jen looks at the Omnitrix.

Jen: I need to get this fixed

Humungousaur: I think Allie can fix it

Jen: since when did you start calling her Allie?

Humungousaur: is that really important?

Jen: yes it is

Gwen: you think Albedo can fix it?

Humungousaur: absolutely she did create my watch

Kevin: she'd never willingly fix it.

Humungousaur: Sure she will.


Albedo: Never!!

Y/n: Oh come on Allie please

Albedo: No! I refuse to do anything that will benefit Tennyson

Jen: all you do is sit on his couch and eat all his food the least you could do is repair the Omnitrix.

Albedo: well I wasn't the one who decided to hack a level 20 device. Why don't you call it's actual Creator and have him fix it?

Jen: I can't get in contact with azmuth right now. so will you fix it or not?

Albedo: I'd happily repair Y/n's ultimatrix if anything was wrong with it but I will never repair your Omnitrix think of this as a lesson to not tamper with things you do not understand.

Gwen: Albedo please I know what they did was wrong b-

Albedo: were you present when it happened?

Gwen: yeah I was but-

Albedo: then you are just as responsible as Tennyson is. and I thought you were supposed to be the smart one.

Gwen: Hey!

Kevin: L/n was there too why don't you get on his case?

Albedo: that's because he was against the idea it seems he was the only one with some form of intelligence in your group.

Y/n: was, was that a compliment?

Albedo: take it as you please.

Y/n: all right what do you want?

Albedo: What?

Y/n: name anything you want and I'll give it to you no questions asked as long as you fix the Omnitrix.

Albedo: Hmm. I want a lab where I can work quietly.

Y/n: anything else?

Albedo: And I wish to sleep in your bed with you from now on. Are those terms acceptable?

Y/n: absolutely

Jen: Not!

Y/n: what's up?

Jen: she's not sleeping in the same bed as you.

Albedo: you do not live to here Tennyson you don't get to make decisions.

Kevin: she's got a point

Jen: shut up Kevin.

Y/n: I did say no questions asked. And besides you want her to fix the Omnitrix don't you?

Jen: yeah. but the cost is way too high

Y/n: What are you talking about? I'm more than capable of doing both those things.

Albedo: do we have a deal or not.

Y/n: you got a deal

Albedo then pulls out her phone.

Jen: Why do you have a shirt less picture of Y/n as your phones wallpaper?

Her face turns red.

Albedo: mind your business Tennyson.

Gwen looks at the wallpaper.

Gwen: Y/n I didn't know you work out?

Y/n: oh I do that a lot.

Gwen: wow I can really see the results. you've got a nice six pack

Y/n: thanks.

Kevin: I'm going to go get some fresh air.

He walks out the door and slams it destroying the lock.

Kevin: lock's broken

Albedo removes the Omnitrix core and inspects it.

Albedo: this is easy to repair.

She tampers with the core Before placing it back. The omntrix dial then turns bright green.

Albedo: done

Y/n: thanks.

Albedo: just remember your end of the deal.

Just then a car alarm goes off outside.

Y/n: Kevin that better not be my brand new car!

He runs out of the house the check on his car.

Jen: can I have that photo? you know for reasons.

Albedo: 20 dollars.

Jen pulls out 20 dollars and hands it albedo.

Gwen: really jen?

Jen: What? it's money well spent and besides what Y/n doesn't know won't kill him.

Chapter end.

I lowkey did this chapter because I was bored as hell

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