tough luck

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A bus loses control and Swerves off the road heading towards a cliff. The driver hits the breaks and the bus hangs off a cliff.

Bus driver: Alright nobody panic!

The bus starts to fall causing the passengers to panic. Just then the bus was grabbed and pulled away from the cliff by Y/n.

 Just then the bus was grabbed and pulled away from the cliff by Y/n

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Humungousaur: You're safe now

Bus Driver: Ahh!!! Monster!!

The bus driver panics and hits the gas speeding away.

Humungousaur: You're welcome!

Y/n times out and walks into the rustbucket.

Y/n: I'm back

Gwen looks at her lucky girl costume.

Gwen: Lucky girl... I wish you were more than just another halloween costume

Y/n: What's up with you? Ever since last week I've been doing all the heavy lifting literally.

Jen: This hero thing is getting old. It's just not fun anymore.

Y/n: it is getting pretty boring.

Max: You know those folks would be in a real pickle if Y/n didn't step in

Jen: I know I'd just like one regular summer day where I could just hang out all day and do nothing. You know, like Gwen

Y/n: I guess we could use a break.

Gwen: You guy's should appreciate what you have. I only got to be lucky girl for a few hours.

Y/n: And that's the most useful you've ever been.

Gwen throws a pillow in his face.

Y/n: OK. I was joking about that, but all the bragging You did doesn't help your case.

Jen: The worst part was when all those grannies wanted us to go to some lame old magic convention in las vegas. as if

Gwen: Magic connvention?

Y/n: Vagas?


They walk into the convention and look around.

Gwen: Magician of the year expo? Uh! It's all cheap junk and gross out tricks.

Y/n: Isn't that what magic is?

Gwen: I thought it was going to be magic, magic not cheesy magic.

Y/n: Well, it's sucks to be you. I'm only here check out the casinos.

Jen: Ho ho. Check it out. Fake bugs in ice cubes, fake barf, fake dog poo!

Y/n: This is kinda weird.Why would they have this.

Jen: Don't know, don't care.

Max: Well, as long as We're here We might as well look around.


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