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It's always been the beginning that is hard. Seriously, Who thinks waking up early in the morning benefits us, students?! It's seriously insane. I just want to get back to my bed but of course that's not possible seeing my cousin here in my room, all dressed up and ready to go. Argh!

"You're seriously annoying Unnie."

"Quit whining Jenduek, I don't wanna be late." I rolled my eyes for what seems the thousand times, applying some perfume before we went out of my room.

"I swear Unnie, It's too early!"

"Can't you just shut up Jenduek? Go ahead and say bye to your parents. I'll wait for you in front of your house." She's seriously looking at me and left with no choice. I heavily sighed.

"Fine! Damn it!"

Feeling grumpy, I fastened my preparation and finished dressing up within 20 mins. But not without posting a pic of myself in Instagram.

I look so hot here. Felling satisfied I went out and proceed to go down.

I went to the dining area of our mansion, seeing my parents all dressed up for work, eating their breakfast which made me realize that I haven't eat mine! Damn that Chichu- chicken head! She's so annoying! Approaching them, I mustered a smile despite the annoyance I feel.

"Hey Dad," I gave my dad a peck on his cheek that made him smile. And went to my Mom to do the same.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said, smiling wide too.

"Are you going to school already?" It was my dad who asked that, he look at me with warm eyes, I actually got the color of his eyes. Brown. I nodded answering his question a bit harsh.

"Yeah. Jisoo Unnie woke me up way too early. Tch!" They seem to be enjoying teasing me as I saw my mom sporting a smile while dad has a huge ass grin painted on his face.

"Well, that's Jisoo for you." Looking at my mom impossibly, I rolled my eyes again.

"Am I really your daughter?" I ask exaggerating which made them laugh but then Dad suddenly call me, making them stop.

"Hey Ruby Jane, That's actually perfect!" Okay? What's going on? He never call me Ruby Jane unless..

"What is? I won't go with any of your businesses meeting again! You know you can just ask Tae- Oppa fo--"

"Relax Sweetie. It's not about that, It's just that your dad has something to say." I immediately went quiet, hearing my mother's serious voice can be quite intimidating. Not that it affects me.(Okay maybe a bit )

"Yeah? What is it?" Now I'm uncomfortable, What the fudge? The way they stare could literally melt me.

"You see, my friend ask me a favor to take care of their child before they had went to a vacation. Y'know your Aunt Chittip and Uncle Marco? " I slowly nod processing everything he's saying.

"So.." They look at each other before looking at me and the way they look is as if they're expecting me to say something. So I did.

"What do you mean so?" I must have raised my voice a little when I saw dad flinch very subtle but that's least of my worry. Silently dreading what he was about to say.

"So, I'm asking you for a favor Sweetie. Can you look after her? She's a bit shy." That's it. I lost it. Closing my eyes, quietly taking in a deep breath, calming myself in anger before I look at my parents again. ( I'm seriously trying my best not to glare right now. )

"So you're saying is.. I have to babysit this girl-- your daughter's friend? Is that right?" I saw my dad gulp and my mom has to wipe her face since she's sweating a bit too much. Before they answer me.

"Y- Yes sweetie. Tha- That's right."

"How old is the kid?" I swear my patience is wearing thin. I literally forget that Jisoo Unnie is waiting for me, and it's the first day of class. All I have in mind is the possibility that I have to take care of a freakin' child which I don't even have any idea of. Now isn't it great? FUCK!

"Listen Sweetie, she's not actually a child, in fact she's just a year younger than you." Now that caught my attention.

"Excuse me? If that's the case then why should I look after her?!" At this point I already don't know what to do, and how to act. Like I'm so close with my parents that It's fine to act like this but still it doesn't mean I should but then, I'm so irritated that I don't care about it!

I want to shout at them and tell them that I have a reputation to uphold and I can't just babysit someone cause she needs to be taken care of!

I was about to speak my mind off when I heard a sweet melody a soothing voice interrupting us, accompanied by an intoxicating scent, strawberry and vanilla, for a moment I forgot that I'm angry.

"Umm.. Mr and Mrs. Kim, not to disturb your conversation but I have a class to catch.. Can I borrow a car and umm... some money to go with? My parents didn't really gave me anything."

I'm in the middle of calming myself assessing the situation I'm in when all of a sudden a girl wearing an army green colored hoody--No. I think it's a pair with a three-stripe line on the side. She partnered it with a white rubber shoes while a black back pack is loosely hanging on her back. Like it's already programmed in my system, I automatically search for her eyes and almost lost my breath with how beautiful her hazelnut orbs is. But hearing my mother's voice bought me back to reality and that's when I realized that I'm checking this new girl out and that thought alone is scary that I had to physically shake my head to erase it out of my head.

"Great! Lisa, you're here! Of course you can honey, and please call me Aunt. No need to be so formal." For some reason my mom calling her honey didn't sound sound right to me. But I ignore it, seeing that this girl is the one I have to look after made the irritation come back. What the fuck is wrong with people nowadays?!Like seriously? This girl looks like a grown-up woman!

"Ruby jane, this is Lisa. Lisa meet my daughter Jennie." When Lisa look at me, I feel myself stopped breathing. Her gaze made me so weak that I feel my knees giving up.

"Nice to meet you, Jennie? Or should I call you Unnie?" I found myself unable to speak and just accept her hands. And that was a freakin' bad idea. Fuck. I don't think I can let her hand go anymore-- What the fuck Jennie?! What is wrong with you?! 

I heard a clearing of throat and so it return me back from reality causing me to remove my grip on Lisa's hand rather forcefully. I saw shock cross her face but then she quickly got over it masking her face with a small tight smile. I messed up didn't I? I was about to say sorry when Jisoo Unnie enter the scene, greeting my parents until her eyes lands on Lisa's figure.

"Now, who do we have here?" And then her eyes land on me making me roll my eyes. If I didn't know better I would assume she's interested in Lisa and I don't like how that sounds.

"Perfect timing Jisoo, Actually I was about to ask Jennie here to give Lisa a ride home. Now that you're here can you do it for me instead? I don't think my child wants the role--" that caught me off guard and my initial reaction surprised them as it surprises me.

This is insane.

"No!" They look at me, my parents eyes mirrors confusion, I knew I look like a freakin' retard, going livid earlier then all of a sudden this. Argh!

"I mean, I have no problem with it. I would look after Lisa and you two can rest assured. Now if you would excuse us." I was quick to grab Chu and Lisa's hands with me. Damn! What's happening with you Jennie Ruby Jane?!

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