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Once you turn 18 in this city you have 3 options. Continue your education, get a job or be a fighter. This city is pretty different from what you would you're used to, it's not governed by the law or by one person. This city has very little law enforcement and only reacts to cases that are not related to violence. What controls this city is its people, specifically it's the groups that are in control of each specific district. There are over 20 different groups of people that own a different part of the city, the stronger the group is, the more area they own. The two ways of getting more land is to ally with other groups or take them down in a gang war. Sounds like it's straight from a video game right? Well it kind of is, what differentiates this way of life to a game is that, every choice you make, affects your being, and everything around you.

Before I introduce myself, let me tell you the rules of this city. Rule number 1: No killing, Rule number 2: Weapons are forbidden, rule number 3: never betray your comrades, Last rule, Number 4: Settle everything with conflict!

Here's the tale of two dreamers!

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