Chapter 1 - Encounter with DeadStone

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Once you turn 18 in this city you either work, go to college or be a fighter. Fighters in this city are called dreamers. "To dream is to think and to think is to dream." That is my philosophy.

"Not being able to take a car really sucks getting here" A short 5 foot 7 perm hair'd guy complains about the commute to DeadStone. "Well, what could we do about it? This path is only accessible by walking or using a bike." A taller figure with a middle part haircut which makes him look way more handsomer than him replies. DeadStone is one of the groups who rules/looks over a district of the city. Getting here requires passing through a cemetery filled with graves of past DeadStone members and it stretches to 2km long. It's the perfect place for ambushes since cars are inaccessible here making it hard to escape. My friend Sam (The shorter guy I just previously talked about) and I, Dexter (The taller handsomer guy I mentioned earlier) are going to meet with the leader of DeadStone.

The place Sam and I are from is called Znyder. Once you turn 18 and decide to be a dreamer for your territory, leadership is decided on the oldest member of your group. People can only be involved in their gang from age 18-22, once someone hits 23, they graduate from being a dreamer, and if they were the leader of a group, they appoint a new lead. Sam and I are the only members of Znyder which automatically makes me the leader since I'm older than Sam, by a couple months. Being the oldest member of your group doesn't always equate to being the leader of your gang. In recent history most members who became leaders were 18. An example of this is the current leader of DeadStone: Kyle "The invincible", he was appointed as the leader of DeadStone once his older brother retired from the group to open up a bike shop. Ever sinch Kyle took lead, he has made moves that were very impressive catching the eyes of leaders from the bigger factions such as Marley, Ellington, and Cattlefield. Most big factions in the city have around 300 to 750 members in them but DeadStone only has 50 members, each one of them are skilled fighters that's been fighting since they were teens. Kyle himself has the strength of 100 men, which made him get the nickname "The Invincible Kyle."

We were called by him to discuss some politics between Znyder and Deadstone. But in reality he probably just wants to hang out. Him, Sam and I have been friends since we were 8 and pretty much grew up together, He had always wanted to be allied with Znyder ever since I told him that me and Sam were going to start up a gang once we're 18. Ever since Kyle became leader the leader of DeadStone, he's been really busy with managing everything so he's probably looking for a chance to chill out. We always knew Kyle had the potential to affect the flow of the city itself, it was only a matter of time before he did.

"Heyyyy how many more kilometers are left?" "Sam, it's literally a 2km walk, it ain't even that far." To be fair, walking 2 km in a dark, maybe haunted graveyard probably warped our senses of time and direction, but there shouldn't be that much walking left. With fear of getting attack's by ghosts, Sam complains "Why did Kyle make us come to his place so late? It's almost 11pm" "Kyle's a prankster, that's why. He loves playing horror games, so he's probably trying to get a scare from us in this dark graveyard."

Right after I said that, A bunch of headlights are seen coming towards us from the direction of DeadStone. "Hey look, it's them." "I don't know Sam, I don't hear the sound of Kyle's cb250t (a type of motorcycle)." A smaller figure arrives in front of them but not in a motorbike like the rest of the group, it's just a normal bicycle with 2 pedals. I yelled out to him "Hey kid, it's 10pm you shouldn't be out at this time!" Sam then adds to it by saying "Yeah! And we won't tell your parents that you're out this late."

The figure got out of their bike and started walking towards us, and away from the blinding headlights of the motorbikes. I started to get a clearer view of him, He stands around the same height as Sam at 5 foot 7 probably around our age, his arms looks long compared to his height which would make him a tough opponent for a similar fighter with a normal wingspan. He is rocking a buzz cut and looks somewhat small for a fighter, I assume he's around 100 lbs to 120 lbs. The biggest physical feature he has is his glasses. In the world of being a dreamer, letting your opponent know that you wear glasses is pretty much letting them know your biggest weakness. Like me most fighters leave their glasses at home and wear contacts to avoid letting the enemy know that they're blind. The only person I know that's seen to be wearing glasses proudly is Kyle. It's a way of letting his opponents know that even being blind, Kyle still stays invincible. Looks like this new guy on the block is trying to do the same thing Kyle has done, but what it all is, is just a false form of strength, cockiness, which Kyle is known for.

The buzzcut figure yells out to us "Wat are you two doing here at this time? We can't let you guys pass, you two look hella suspicious deadazz tho." "We have business with your leader, Kyle. We mean no harm." "I can't trust that shii, the city has been getting more dangerous ever since other factions in the city are lobbying against our azz." "Alright look here, if you just call Kyle and tell him that we're here, he'll tell you everything you need to know." But right after I said that, I hear the sound of a cb250t coming from the direction we can from. "Or maybe not, looks like he's coming our way." In a pair of baggy black jeans, a black uniform jacket representing DeadStone and a pair of black Jordan 5's, the man himself arrives at the scene, "The invincible Kyle".

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