Chapter 39. Dorms.

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"about that, as a safety measure for the students, we had dorms built and we need your consent to have y/n move into one, everyone student in UA will have one with the consent from their guardians

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.."about that, as a safety measure for the students, we had dorms built and we need your consent to have y/n move into one, everyone student in UA will have one with the consent from their guardians." All might explained.

You weren't sure what to think for a moment and instead looked over to aunt nem to see what she had thought, although she seemed quite shocked herself.

"I.." she started, and then sighed, looking in the weak man's eyes "I'm not sure if I can let her go, I mean I just got her back." She finished.

"You would still see her just as much as you're at UA, and she can leave any time with permission from staff, meaning she could come back on weekends. Nemuri, it would be a lot safer-" aizawa began to back up all night but got caught off by nemuri.

"And she's not safe with me?" She asked standing up, and walking away to the kitchen. You understood why she'd get mad about this, you would say she didn't wanna be alone, but she'd never admit that.

Her sister, your mother was gone, her brother in law, your father was gone, her parents and your grandparents were long gone, safe to say you were each others only blood family. And the men who would come in and out of her life, only wanting her for her body or her fame/money would make her feel even worse when they'd just leave her.

You three sat there silently for a moment, before it could become awkward you stood up "I'll go speak to her." You smiled and followed her, she was rubbing her temples frustratedly and getting herself a drink, when she heard you she turned around and smiled, but you spoke first.

"Aunt nem I'd be fine, I promise, we would still see eachother everyday and I'd stay on weekends." You reasoned with her, "and they know I'm safe here, but as for training to be a hero, and being in UA it's just a good option. And I'm pretty sure the rest of 1a are going to be in dorms too."

She sighed after hearing that and realised that maybe you were right, maybe it was a good option, she hugged you and stroked your hair for a moment.

Once you were both sat back in the living room she smiled at shota and toshinori.

"I'm sorry, if I overreacted. I just, I can't imagine what it will be like without my little girl." She smiled, and aizawa chuckled,

"She's not so little anymore nemuri." He then looked at you and ruffled your hair.

"So do we have your consent?" All might asked carefully.

Nemuri smiled, "you do."

While they continued to chat, the phone had began to ring and you'd offer to take the call, when you picked up, you heard the voice of pixie bob asking for you,

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