Prologue: Dreams of Deliverance [Pt. 1]

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In the Planet of Festivities Penacony, at the Golden Hour when Caelus first arrived in Penacony, he encountered a lovely silver-haired girl by the roadside, surrounded by two individuals.

"Please, I need your help!" the girl stepped back and asked for help from the bystanders. As Caelus prepared to clash with the guards of the Bloodhound Family to rescue her, they were intercepted by Gallagher, a security officer.

"Hold on, everyone! This is all a misunderstanding," Gallagher interjected.
Gallagher rebuked the two guards, explaining that they were pursuing a smuggler with silver hair guy, not a silver-haired girl. After resolving the misunderstanding, Caelus and the girl introduced themselves.

"I'm Caelus. Nice to meet you," Caelus greeted.

"I'm Firefly. Thank you for helping me," the girl, now known as Firefly, responded gratefully. From then on, Firefly and her companions accompanied Caelus, acting as his guide through Penacony. During their journey, Caelus encountered Sampo and experienced a memory bubble.

"My friend, you should be cautious of Firefly. She's not who she seems~" Sampo warned. Sampo revealed to Caelus that Firefly was a fraudster and had been hiding things from him.

Later on, Caelus confronted Firefly. "Firefly, Sampo told me about your secrets. What are you hiding?" Caelus inquired. Firefly confessed to Caelus that she had indeed withheld information.

"Please, come with me. I'll explain everything at my secret base," Firefly invited Caelus. Caelus agreed to follow Firefly to her secret base, eager to uncover the truth about her hidden secrets.

[Scene Break]

After Caelus arrived at Firefly's secret base, they admired the beautiful scenery from the rooftop together.

"Woah! This view is amazing," Caelus remarked. "I'm glad you like it," Firefly replied with a smile. "There's something I need to tell you, Caelus."

Caelus turned to face her, intrigued. "What is it?" Firefly took a deep breath. "I... I'm the smuggler they were after. I suffer from entropy loss syndrome, which is why I do what I do."
Caelus looked surprised but remained calm. "I see."

"I want us to be good friends, Caelus," Firefly continued earnestly. "There are secrets I'll reveal in time, but I don't want us to be enemies." Caelus nodded understandingly. "I believe you, Firefly." They stood in silence for a moment, the weight of Firefly's confession hanging between them. Then, Firefly brightened up.

"Let's capture this moment," Caelus suggested, pulling out his phone. "A photo together, to remember this."

Firefly smiled, stepping closer to him. "Sure, let's do it." They posed together on the rooftop, capturing a snapshot of their newfound friendship amidst the backdrop of Penacony's scenery


[Verse 1]
Birds are born with no shackles
Then what fetters my fate?
Blown away, the white petals
Leave me trapped in the cage

The endless isolation
Can wear down my illusion
Someday, I'll make a dream unchained

Let my heart bravely spread the wings
Soaring past the night, to trace the primal light
Let the clouds heal me of the stains
Gently wipe the sorrow of my life
I dream

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