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The next day, Alessia woke up to her door's loud banging along with her head. ❝ Get up dumbass, you have a class right now. ❞ Her best friend, Lucila yelled from outside the door. Lucila knew her timetable even though she was in the Science department, she'd come to wake her up every time she thought she'd sleep in late and as a matter of fact, Lucila's instincts about Alessia were generally right and despite that Lucila still didn't know how to view the world properly, specially a person's wrong motive. She finally got up, yawing her way to the gate feeling abnormally weird about something but she shrugged. ❝  Do you not plan to go to class today or what? ❞ Lucila welcomed herself in and sat on Alessia's couch, not like she minded it anyway. ❝ Hmm, I guess I am not going today. And you suddenly remember waking me up out of the blue? What happened to Leila?❞ Alessia asked as she was making her way to her room when she suddenly collapsed on the ground. She recalled something that had been bothering her ever since she woke up. She was shivering like hell as Lucila ran inside her room, hearing the loud thud of her best friend falling.

Lucila hugged her tightly, rubbing her back and making her feel better in whichever way she could. ❝ What's wrong? Are you fine? You don't seem so. ❞ She asked as she touched Alessia's forehead to check if she had a fever or something. When she found nothing, she broke the hug to look at her in the eyes, wanting her to rant it out. ❝ I witnessed a murder last night. Or maybe it was a suicide, I don't know. ❞ Alessia said as she was tearing up now. ❝ That person fell from the refuge area of our university. ❞ After this sentence, Lucila knew what would have happened but it wasn't just that. Someone almost killed her too, or had some intentions but both of them were glad that Alessia was here in one place with no scratches anywhere to be found. 

After the entire discussion, Alessia pleaded with her not to discuss this with anyone. ❝ Not even Leila, do you promise me that? ❞ Alessia asked again, to reconfirm. Leila was a girl who recently relocated to London and because of her sports scholarship admission, she was here at the University of London and since the University was short of dorms, she was sharing rooms with Lucila. ❝ Yeah, I promise, though I still don't get why you don't trust and like her. It's been what? A month almost since she came. Give it a break already.❞ Lucila said as Alessia rolled her eyes in response. ❝ Where is she anyway? ❞ Alessia asked as she got ready to have some breakfast at the University's cafeteria. ❝ She has a weightlifting competition today. ❞

❝ Anyways, cut that crap. I just recalled, where the fuck were you last night? You said 'I'll be there at 2:45 am I promise!' so what happened to that damned promise?❞ Alessia enquired when they finally sat down to eat the mashed potatoes the University provided for breakfast. ❝ All that shit would have not happened, if you were there. Our mission '8 Watermelons' is going to waste at this point. ❞ Lucila sighed as she closed her eyes in annoyance. ❝ Hey, can you listen to what I have to say? Leila arrived late last night and called me around 10 PM when I was already asleep. She asked me to stay awake until she arrived as she had forgotten her key. She eventually arrived around midnight, and I overslept because I had been waiting up for her. ❞

Alessia had been silent ever since the last reply from Lucila. It was her way of showing that she was not happy with whatever had happened. And the fact that Alessia almost lost her life last night too, this could not be excused. She kept eating her food in silence as Lucila kept thinking of all the ways she could use to make her friend talk. ❝ Hey c'mon! I am sorry, okay?? Don't make me feel like the bad guy here. It wasn't exactly my fault too. But fine, I will keep that in mind now okay?❞ Lucila tried convincing her and took a long breath in relief when she saw Alessia giving in to her. 

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