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❝ Do I have to?❞ Jeonghan asked with a sigh as Seungcheol told him to accompany Vernon to the racing arena tonight. ❝ Can't you go? I am already tired.❞ He said tiredly as he faked a yawn. ❝ That all won't work on me, you need to go with no questions asked.❞ Seungcheol said in a strict way which made Jeonghan shut his mouth as he just nodded, having no options left than to just follow his words. ❝ If I find time, I will be sure to come too.❞ He said in a concluding manner as he walked out of Jeonghan's room. 

Jeonghan wasn't someone who could sit around doing nothing either so he went with the flow. He had dropped out of school when he saw that his friend, Seungcheol, was sacrificing his sleep for them to attend a better school. Jeonghan had lied that he said he was rusticated from school when he wasn't. After Seungcheol, Jeonghan had suffered the most. Whenever he saw Stephanie's pictures, he would have breakdowns, but he kept it to himself and would go to the washroom to cry in silence. He couldn't let anyone see him like that, especially since he was supposed to be the nurturing one in their group. He remembers everything that happened like it was just yesterday, including all the struggles they had to go through to survive in the world without a mother and a father. Now his wish was to catch the killer who had been hiding and was still on the loose and end this battle forever.

Alessia and Lucila were sitting in Lucila's dorm room, playing a game of chess. Alessia successfully captured Lucila's queen, causing her to pout in disappointment, but soon they both burst out laughing, enjoying the moment and each other's company. Suddenly, Lucila's phone dinged as she picked it up to check it before speaking up. ❝ Alessia!! Leila just texted to tell us that there's this underworld racing arena, and we HAVE to check it out. Her friend is also racing. ❞ She said excitedly as she kept poking Alessia till she finally gives in. ❝ Okay fine fine, ONLY because I love cars too.❞ She said although she was aware of how much Lucila loves racing and how much she is fond of cars as well. 

Later they both were dressing up to watch the racing, Alessia had a bad gut feeling but she tried ignoring it again. Lucila was faster than Alessia in dressing up, which was something that wasn't the case generally. She knocked on Alessia's dorm anxiously as she waited for her to open her door, and she did a minute later. ❝ What took you so long?❞ Lucila asked as her moon and stars bracelet dangled around her wrist. Alessia knew that it was her favorite one since it was gifted to her by her grandmother. ❝ I think we're on the same page today.❞ Alessia replied as one of her earlobes had the butterfly earring which meant a lot to her because it was KitKat's favorite earring. She had selected those earrings for her as she wiggled her tail to those earrings when they went street shopping. KitKat would always jump around happily whenever Alessia would wear those earrings. 

Sensing Alessia's silence, Lucila was alerted as she analyzed the situation. Lucila was aware of this well enough since they had been best friends for more than 3 years. They have known each other since the start of junior high school. Lucila got closer to Alessia she gave her a comforting hug and ruffled her hair. ❝ It's gonna be alright.❞ She said as Alessia broke the hug with a nod. Alessia walked inside her room to get the butterfly earrings she wore the second pair and then picked up her dorm keys. ❝ Let's go.❞ She said as she wore her sneakers which matched her outfit.  Alessia wore a top with the F1 jacket and baggy jeans beneath it and Lucila wore the Ferrari jacket with a skirt below it. 

Vernon and Jeonghan had now reached the racing arena as they got to know about the opponent of Vernon, a girl named Olive who was a famous female racer. Jeonghan gave Vernon a final pat on his back before they parted ways. Jeonghan had to make people bet more for Vernon's side as he went in to convince them in easy words and if not that way, he would be using his manipulative tricks on them. This was why Seungcheol selected Jeonghan and not anyone else.

The traffic light changed from red to yellow and then to green as Vernon hit the accelerator pedal. He checked his rearview mirror and saw that Olive was right behind him. However, the moment he turned his head, she sped up and overtook him. Vernon made an abrupt turn, trying to regain the lead, but the screeching tires slowed him down, allowing her to take the lead again. She winked at him before racing ahead. Vernon hated losing, especially when his brother had entrusted him so much. ❝ Ha! Watch it, loser! ❞ Olive cursed as she attempted to scratch his car to distract him. But instead it turned out to be a distraction for her as it cost her the race, as Vernon ultimately won. 

As Vernon came out, Seungcheol's wide smile and warm embrace made it all worthwhile for Vernon; they were the things that kept him going. He knew he had to do his best for his brother, and winning the race was the least he could do for him. He was grateful that Seungcheol could come to watch the race when he said he might be too busy to join as well. Soon, Jeonghan also hugged him as he then began discussing the bet money with Seungcheol meanwhile Vernon went to freshen up in the meantime.

Alessia and Lucila were both left mesmerized by the race. They both still hadn't known about Vernon studying at the University of London with them. A while later, Leila came and sat beside Lucila, ❝ You know the other girl who was driving, she was Olive. She's a famous female racer and she's my nice friend too.❞ She said with a smile as Alessia nodded and Lucila talked with her for a while. Alessia still was not quite comfortable with Leila, maybe it was the suspicions she had for her or her behavior at times. She was confused so she decided to rather stay quiet and observant whenever Leila was around. At such times, Alessia would unknowingly touch her earrings just to make sure they were still there and had not gotten lost. That's when she realized, one of her earrings didn't have the back supporter. Completely tensed, she got up and began searching for it despite knowing the fact that it was close to impossible to find it. And the fact that it was transparent in color made it even worse.

Suddenly, she found herself on a racing track, unaware of her surroundings. A car came speeding right next to her and left her stunned. It could have been a fatal accident if Lucila hadn't arrived in time to pull her out of the way. ❝ Are you crazy??! ❞ Lucila exclaimed furiously as Leila followed with an emotionless face like always. ❝ I didn't realize it. I am sorry.❞ She said in a low tone, her heartbeat was still high as her mind kept replaying the same moment again and again. Amidst the entire near-death situation, Alessia forgot why she was on the racing track, and little did she know that her earring had flown out of her earlobe in the meantime.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan were discussing financial matters when Seungcheol suddenly noticed something on the ground and picked it up. It was a butterfly earring. ❝ It's quite sad that the owner of these earrings lost them, they look so beautiful.❞ Seungcheol said with an unknown smile on his face. Jeonghan noticed the smile and smiled too. He analyzed them for a minute more before stuffing them into his pocket and walking away with Jeonghan. 


Author's Note:

And here goes nothing! Chapter 4 is outttt heh. Hope you like this, don't forget to like and comment. I will try to post often now <33

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