chapter 12

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____________CHAPTER 12 __________

It has been days since Ethan meet Roger the second time. He was just in his room, reading a book he found interesting.

All he could do here was read, after all he didn't have his phone with him.

So what could he do? He could only read, meet Claude, Athanasia and spend time with them...He wants to do something else, should he start to learn swordsmanship?

Wouldn't that be such a good opportunity to get strong and kill time?

Ethan looked down at the book with determination clear in his eyes, That would be so amazing! Learning swordsmanship!

"I'll ask Claude this." Ethan's lips curled up in a smile, his lips twitching as he couldn't wait to meet Claude and tell him that he wants to learn swordsmanship, He's already so excited.

Claude already told him that he should just tell him whatever he wants, then that means Ethan can freely tell Claude that he wants to learn swordsmanship, right? Not like he's asking for something hard.

Ethan put down the books as he jumped off from the chair he was sitting on, then he ran up to the door and quickly Opened the door.

He walked out of his room, Ahhh, He was incredibly excited to tell Claude he wanted to learn swordsmanship, He Wonders what Claude's reaction will be?

Will he be shocked?

Ethan stopped, deadpanning.

'That guy? Shocked? Nah, He'll just go "okay" and that's it.' Ethan was about to continue walking when someone hugged him from behind, startling him.

Ethan turned his head around, only to see Athanasia who was hugging him from behind beaming.

"Brother!" She smiled, Ah...He was so surprised for a moment. Ethan let out a sigh, He noticed Felix and Lily approaching.

"We were about to go out for a walk! Do you want to tag along?" Athanasia tilted her head on the side as Ethan hesitated, He was on his way to tell Claude that he wanted to Learn swordsmanship but, Well, That can wait.

"Sigh, I guess alright. I'll tag along." Ethan replied, He hasn't been out for a while too, It'll be good if he would go out and spend time with Athanasia? He'll kill more time like that.

Athanasia held Ethan's hand as Felix smiled at the sight, The Princess and Prince were getting along so well these days, Felix felt like he wouldn't be able to worry about anything at all.

Lily on the other hand was very happy to see the siblings getting along so well and having bond time.

"Then let's go!" Athanasia beamed, she started dragging Ethan away as Felix and Lily just followed The two kids behind.

On the way, Athanasia was blabbering about the things she did before coming here and Ethan was just listening to her and from time to time he would also talk to Athanasia.

As Athanasia was talking, her attention suddenly shifted to a black dog-looking small animal, Her eyes widened at the cute sight in front of her.

'Huh?' Ethan looked towards where Athanasia was looking, suddenly his expression turned into a shock...Wait, There was no way it was the time Athanasia would meet Lucas, Right?

Ethan furrowed his eyebrows, He didn't know much about Lucas...All he knew was that He was the strongest magician nothing more...He wasn't even able to finish The story at all.

'Ha...How useless...' Ethan sighed from thinking too much these past days, Athanasia on the other hand, Her heart was stolen by the cuteness in front of her.

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