You're funny

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I walk into the common room and look around. I say hi to a few patients before taking a seat next to Zack. "Good afternoon Zack. How are you today?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment. "I am doing quite well considering I'm in this place." He says turning to me.

I smile at him. "Was that meant to be a joke?" I ask kindly.

"No. Did it come across as one?" He tilts his head like a dog.

I giggle. "No, not really but given the right tone it could have. You could be quite funny if you worked on your tone." I say smiling.

"But I wasn't trying to be funny." He frowns.

"I, yes I know, sorry. I just meant, you know what it doesn't matter. Hey, if you want could you tell me about your work at the Jeffersonian? I'm very curious about what it's like to be a forensic anthropologist." I say changing the subject.

"Of course, I do miss working there with my friends." He smiles lightly and begins to talk about his previous life. He stares off at the wall, his demeanour completely changing, lighter, less analogical, like a young child talking about his favourite things.

I watch him leaning against my hand, sighing happily. 'He's fascinating, truly.'

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