Let's walk

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I'm sitting in the common room by a window watching the patients when I feel someone sit next to me. "Good afternoon Dr (Y/N)." Zack says as he sits.

"Good afternoon Zack. Please just call me (Y/N)." I say.

He nods. "Okay, (Y/N). I finished the equations you gave me. They were quite easy." He says as a matter of fact.

"I know, I'm sorry they're not harder. I tried my best." I say smiling softly.

"Yes, I remember you told me they would be. I am very smart so it would be hard to find something that truly challenges me." He says proudly.

I chuckle. "Do you want to go for a walk? I could use a good stretch and some fresh air." I say standing up and reaching above my head.

"Hmm... Sure." He smiles and stands up.

We walk to the door and he holds it open for me. I step out and take a deep breath. We walk out to a fence and look out.

"Zack... Do you miss anything out there, besides your work and friends?" I ask.

He smiles once more. "While I find them to be quite noisy and complicated, I miss my family. I come from a big family, I'm one of eight kids and my siblings have children. I'm referred to as the freak of the family, but I've been assured it's just sibling teasing and not them actually thinking I'm a freak."

"Oh, that's nice. Have any of them come to see you in here?" I ask kindly.

"Yes, my parents came after about a month of me being here. They were upset but said they still loved me. My mother cried." He says sadly. "I didn't want to upset them."

I hum. "I'm sure they know that what you did wasn't your fault. Did you guys used to do holidays together?"

"Yes, at Christmas there would be 40 people there, my family all together. I hope to be able to do that again one day." He looks into the distance longingly.

"I hope so too... I'm sorry for making you sad." I look at his face, I can see sadness but also happiness from the memories.

He looks at me. "It's okay. I know I can't see them because of what I did."

"You know what let's change the subject... Your hair, I know when you came in here your hair was pretty short. Do you wish to cut it again?" I ask smiling, looking up at the top of his head.

He smiles back. "Not really. The only reason my hair was short was to look professional at work. Apparently, people don't think you can be a respectable scientist if you have messy hair and wear t-shirts. But how I look has nothing to do with how smart I am or how well I work." He crosses his arms.

'He is so adorable. I just want to ruffle his hair.' I chuckle. "I understand that. I definitely don't dress like this outside of work. But I like your hair like this. Seems more... Well, you. It looks good." I smile softly to him.

He blushes slightly. "Oh, um. Thank you. It is like this merely out of convenience and a lack of effort." He explains.

I laugh. "Well either way it suits you." 'Way too well. I'm sure you had girls gushing over you.' I shake my head. 'I can't think of him this way. I have to keep this professional.' I sigh. "Come on. We should probably head back inside."

He nods as we begin to walk. "(Y/N)?" He asks stopping.


"Thanks for taking the time to talk to me often. Most people who work here, especially in the criminal ward are kinda harsh. But you're always so kind. Not just to me." He says honestly.

"Well, most people who work here are guards or need to make sure patients are following the rules. I'm more here to observe and get to know you all."

"Yes, but you don't need to be nice. So thank you." He smiles.

"Well, you're welcome."

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