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It was the last day of summer for Camp Half-Blood. At the end of the day there will be a bonfire for the demigods to enjoy their night, before the ones who aren't year rounders go back home to their parents for the rest of the year and come back for summer again.

Catharina Carvalho was a year round camper and she was more than satisfied with that. Although there were some nights that she misses her father, that doesn't stop her from hating him for what he did to her when she was only an infant. It was a grudge that she wanted to get rid of but just couldn't. All she wanted was to ask why. Why was there so much hate in your heart for a 4 year old? Why did you abandon your own daughter just so you could have another family? Those were the type of questions that caused her to lose sleep at night. The type of questions that would trigger the endless nightmares.

But her past didn't stop Catharina from being the girl she is. Catharina is known to be one of the kindest and most self less soul throughout the whole perimeter. She is also the prettiest of them all, even between all her siblings. After all the girl was Aphrodites favorite. When you first see her, you would think she can't fight or defend herself for shit. But looks can and will be deceiving. Give that little princess a bow and arrow, and you are done for.

But her perfect reputation doesn't stop people from being assholes. One of them being Clarisse La Rue. The two of them were always seen on each others throats.

It started the second Clarisse stepped foot onto camp and Catharina accidentally bumped onto Clarisse.


It was a a great day at Camp Half-Blood. Seven year old Catharina had just finished eating her breakfast. She was on her way to her cabin to ask one of her half sisters to braid her hair. The girl noticed her shoes were untied. When she was kneeling down to tie them, she accidentally bumps her forehead to another person. A very pretty curly haired girl she's never seen before. Must be a new kid. She had an angry look on her face with her arms crossed on her chest.

"I'm so sorry I should've looked around first" the Aphrodite girl says. Apologizing thousands of times to the new girl in front of her.

"It's fine don't let it happen again you hear me you little princess" the curly head says in a pissed off tone.

"Oh okay you don't have to be that rude about it you know" says Catharina in a mumble.

"I'll be whatever way I want to princess nothing is stopping me from anything" says the angry girl.

"Alright fine, I'm gonna try this again. You must be new, I'm Catharina Carvalho, Aphrodites daughter. What's your name?" says Cat

"Clarisse La Rue." says Clarisse, in a nonchalant tone "Just don't get in my way princess"

" Little bitch" Catharina says to herself

"What did you just call me." Clarisse asks knowing what the Aphrodite girl said about her, "You think you're this perfect girl that gets anything she wants by being nice to everyone but I don't buy that bullshit. I don't care who your mom is or what your perfect reputation is at this place, I'll make sure you regret ever meeting me princess"  Clarisse says pushing the Aphrodite girl to the ground.

"DO NOT TOUCH ME YOU RAT" Cat jumps onto Clarisse, now on top of her she holds the girl down and whispers to her ear, "I tried being nice to you but if you're gonna be an ass to me I'll be the same way back" Cat moves one of Clarisse's loose curls behind her ear, "you're not as big and intimidating as you think you are you know."

Clarisse starts feeling a blush creepy under Catharina's touch. She pushes it off knowing that was hopeless now that the perfect girl hates her.

Cat lets the angry girl off and walks to her cabin

Catharina thought the girl was one of the most beautiful people she's ever seen with a voice she could listen to on repeat for hours. But now they have issues with each other and she now figures she lost the chance of getting to truly understand the new girl.


"Watch it princess" Clarisse says with a smirk while intentionally bumping on to the smaller girl

"Not today Clarisse please" Cat says. She was in a bad mood due to her finding out her father was going to pay her a visit. 11 years of no contact and now he randomly wants to see his "filhinha preciosa".

"Nothing is stopping me princess", "after all it's my favorite activity of the day" says the Ares girl. But she regrets saying that noticing the look on the other girls face. She could tell something was really bothering her by the way her eyes didn't have their usual angelic glow.

"Why can't you stop being such a pain in the ass for one second? I get it that for some reason you always target me for everything and it brings you joy to make me feel miserable, but sometimes it's too much Clarisse" says Cat looking down since she was in the verge of tears and didn't want the taller girl to bother even more about crying. Since it was one of the main things she would use against the girl.

"Clarisse I told you you to stop bothering Cat so much dude" says Theo. He is one of Clarisse's half brothers. Him and Catharina have been close ever since she came to camp. The two just clicked. He always made sure to protect the young girl no matter what. But that was difficult with his little sister being Catharina's main bully.

"It's fine Theo she didn't do anything" says Catharina not wanting to have Clarisse hate her more. " I gotta go now but I'll talk to you later"

"My cabin? I can try to sneak some snacks for you if you want angel" asks Theo

"Yeah sure and thank you you're the best I love you Theo." says the Aphrodite girl while throwing her arms and he wraps his around her waist lifting the smaller girl off the ground. They have always been there for each other and physical touch was a must in their friendship.

Clarisse rolls her eyes watching the scene happening between her brother and the girl she hates. Most of the times she doesn't know why these interactions between the two bother her so much. Maybe due to the fact Clarisse might be gaining interest for the girl herself. But instead of doing anything she just walks away and ignores her feelings.

Catharina walks into the Big House waiting for her father to arrive. Tears rolling down her rosy cheeks as she breaks down in a secluded area. She doesn't know how to manage her breathing pattern. Anxiety flowing through her veins. She tries to open her mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Overthinking takes over her thoughts about her the encounter will be like.

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