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It was now bedtime for the demigods. They all made their ways to there cabins. Catharina was still panicking from what had happened between her and Clarisse. She was now pacing back and forth after getting ready for bed while explaining what happened to Silena.

"Fuck now I owe Theo 2 weeks worth of dessert" said Silena with disappointment. "WAIT YOU GUYS WERE BETTING ON ME AND CLARISSE?" asked Catharina in disbelief. Silena just ignored the girls questions like she said nothing.

"Do you like Clarisse? Be completely honest with me Catharina." asked Silena.

"No I could never we hate each other. I mean yeah at times she might be actually a big softy sometimes and the nicknames she has for me do make me extremely flustered but that doesn't mean anything. And yeah I might get jealous at times when I see Katie being all touchy with her. Yes sometimes when no one is looking I do stare at her and admire how her curls fall perfectly on her shoulders and her eyes are like hazelnuts dipped in a sunset made of honey. And I do admit the moment I first saw her and ever since I always thought she was the most beautiful and extraordinary girl in the whole camp, but OH FUCKING SHIT I THINK I ACTUALLY DO LIKE HER?" said Catharina.

"Babes you don't like the girl you love her." said Silena to a now shook Catharina.

"It would never work out though she hates me and I'm pretty sure she's convinced that me and her brother are fuck buddies or something." said Catharina with a disappointed expression.

"I don't think she actually hates you Cat. I see the way she stares at you when you're not looking she's not slick at all both of you aren't by the way. But anyways, whenever she's even talking to you her look gets softer." said Silena with a soft grin.

"I suggest you two talk before you leave if you do go back with your father." said Silena. "Okay fine but like what if-" Catharina was interrupted with her sisters index finger on her lips shutting the girl up before she starts overthinking even more. "Just do it please for the love of mom."


It was the morning after and now everyone was saying their good byes until next summer for those who only stay over the summer. Catharina was hugging Theo, he had her off the ground and spinning the two around while Clarisse watched with jealousy in her eyes. Clarisse realized she had feelings for the Aphrodite girl after the awkward night before. She was going to confess her feelings but the Catharina had to leave. She still managed to give the girl a hug goodbye.

"Aww I feel bad you won't have anyone to humiliate now." said Catharina. She planned to make a whole confession speech to the Ares girl but didn't have enough time. "Honey let's get going we have to rush to the airport." said Rodrigo while looking at his Apple watch. "Okay just a sec" replied Catharina. "Bye love don't do anything stupid to anyone else while I'm gone." and with that Catharina gained the courage to go on her tippy toes and give the taller girl a gentle kiss on her cheek. Leaving a very flustered Clarisse.


Catharina and her father finally arrived home from a 3 hour flight to Boston, Massachusetts. Her father reminds her about a summer she spent there at her cousins house. When they got to where she assumed was her fathers house she saw a girl that looked exactly like how she looked when she was 10 years old.

"DADDYYYYY I MISSED YOU!" said the little girl filled with joy. She jumped in her fathers arms for a hug which he returned and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. He stayed holding his daughter. She then turned to him shyly as she realized Catharina looking at them. "Who is that she's really pretty" said the young girl. "That's Catharina baby" Rodrigo responded setting his daughter down.

"Hi I'm Catharina, I'm assuming you're Alissya right? I heard great things about you and that you were excited to meet me." Catharina said to her younger sister with a smile. "Yeah daddy always talks about you to me and Baby Bea. You can call me Lilica if you want." said the young girl still a little shy. "Do you wanna meet Bea she just woke up from her nap so she's really happy right now she loves meeting new people so I'm sure she's gonna love you just be careful while you get in because there's a bunch of stuff everywhere." ranted the younger girl to her half sister, the same way Catharina does when she's anxious.

"I would love to meet her Lilica." said Catharina with a smile. She held her sisters hand as she guided her to the nursery. She saw an older woman around her fathers age. She was gorgeous. She had a long straight hair and tanned skin. She was making chocolate milk and pouring it inside a baby bottle.

"Lili baby can you give this to Bea for me please I need to do get the guest room ready for your sister." said the woman. She then saw the two girls on their way to the nursery. "Oh hey honey nice to finally meeting you I'm Sarah" said Sarah. "Hi it's a pleasure meeting you too I'm Catharina." said Cat. "Oh I know who you are love your dad won't go one day without talking about you." Sarah said with a smile. "Do you need help with anything?" Cat asked politely "It's all settled love make yourself at home you must be exhausted." Sarah replied to the girl.

Catharina made her way to the nursery upstairs. She saw Lili giving their baby sister the bottle. Bea was wearing a Moana pj set. She looked nothing like her older sister which confused Catharina. Then she realized Lili wasn't similar at all to her mom. Which brought an uneasy feeling to her.

"Hii babyyy" Catharina said in a baby voice to Bea which made the little one give her a smile with her 5 little baby teeth. "Do you wanna hold her?" asked Lili "Yea why not" replied Catharina. She made a motion with her hands asking the baby for approval to see if she wanted to be held by her and Bea went for it.

"Did you know me and Bea aren't 100% related, she's my half sister." said Lili while looking at the baby then Catharina. Which made the Aphrodite girl's smile drop. "What do you mean by that?" asked Catharina wanting to know more. "Her mom isn't my real mom, but her dad is mine and your dad." said Lili with an innocent expression like it wasn't much of a big deal. "Wait so Sarah isn't your mom?" asked Catharina starting to grow worry in her mind. "Nope, before daddy and Sarah got married he used to date my mom. They ended up having a baby, me. But my mom could only stay with me and dad until I turned 1, or else she would get in a lot of trouble for some reason that dad said he would only tell me on my 10th birthday. He said she was the most beautiful person ever and that I look and act very similar to her. She made him promise not to tell anyone other than me about her, not even Sarah. So when they got married dad said that he had gotten a divorce and that he could only have full custody of one kid so he picked me since I was younger." Lili explained to Catharina in a low voice only the two could hear. Catharina then knew exactly what was going on and why her father really wanted her to visit her sisters. "Oh and I don't know if he told you this but your mom is my mom!" the younger girl said confirming the exact thoughts going through Catharina's head.


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