Ngiht one

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Moon,Frank and Lord Eclipse sat in the shack Moon previously made. They rejected Monty's request to join and told him to go find Earth.
"We should sleep in shifts to stay safe and to defend this place." Lord Eclipse suggested. Frank began to breathe heavily in approval. "Moon?" Moon looked at him.
"You sleep first... you've made us a safe space and a shelter. You've done most of the work today. You earned it."
"Okay... if you insist.." Moon laid down and rested.

Eclipse could be heard grunting loudly by a tree. Bloodmoon came across him and saw him struggling to stay awake. He walked up to him and knelt down. "Need some help there?" He asked.
"If your here to drain me of my blood for food then n-" Eclipse was interrupted by Bloodmoon
"No jackass. I'm here to help you heal." He said sarcastically.
Bloodmoon sat next to him and disinfected his head and wrapped it with a bandage.
"I know I'm sorry it stings..." they finished up. He took Eclipse's hand and took him to his shelter. Eclipse laid on his lap and Bloodmoon strokes his rays, soothing him during the night. (Not a ship)

"Give me the medkit KC." Trashcan man pointed his trident at him.
"But this one was mine. Put that down. I'm not going to fight. These hands do not harm anym-" he tried to defend himself with words until he was pierced in the chest. "I-" he fell down as he had his medkit snatched from his hand. "Traitor...."
"No. More like fighting for my freedom from this place. Farewell."

Jack-O-Moon was still out finding people. He stumbled across Puppet.
"Oh, hi Ja-" she wasn't able to finsih her sentence before he wrapped his hands around her neck.
"Must exterminate possible threat to Lunar!" His grip tightened.
"What... are you.... I'm... his friend...!" Puppet fainted. Jack though she had been killed so he took her food and left. He went on to find more to kill for Lunars sake.

Solar-Flare limped over to a tree. His knee had a massive dent in it, making it incredibly painful and uncomfortable to walk on. He sat down and tries to fix it. He sat there for hours on end trying to heal it but nothing worked. He sat there and hoped Ruin would find him.

Monty finally found Earth after shouting her name a couple of times as they walked together. Hand in hand. They were talking about potentially just laying down and looking up at the stars. They found a clearing, laid down and snuggled. The glass sphere may have blocked out the wind but who cares. It was good enough.
Creator and Nao stumbled over to them..
"May we join my daughter and her... gracious...
Boyfriend." The Creator asked. Obviously hating Monty
"I... sure..." Earth didn't want to be rude. They started a fire and all sat around it.
"How about we tell some ghost stories to lighten the mood eh?" Monty suggested.
Everyone agrees.

Sun finished building his shack at around 4am. He was tired as he slumped onto the dry ground. He let out a sigh and was about to to go inside until-
"Sunny? Is that you over there?" Someone shouted out. They ran towards Sun, arms open wide. It was Lunar. He was alive! Sun had been worrying sick about him. They embraced each other and calmed down. "Please let me sleep here...? It's scary alone..." his voice as innocent as a mouse.
"Yes you may lil bro... I'll protect you for the night. Want Sunny snuggles?" He offered.
Lunar frantically nodded as he took him into his arms as he led him inside. Both Foxy and Insane Moon also snuggled in there own shack. (Wtf 😭)

Solar was extremely busy on the other hand as he made his way back to the cornucopia and tried to find a decent weapon. He found a brand new hatchet and lifted it easily. Solar then caught a glimpse of a sword under a piece of cloth. He went to pick it up but dropped it almost immediately as soon as his arms fell weak. He went back to the hatchet and went to find Eclipse. "Oh he's gone. I'll just go over to Moons base then." He knocked on the door and Moon answered. "Would you mind if
I stayed here for the night?"
Moon nodded.
"Just stay quiet. Lord Eclipse and Frank are asleep." Solar nodded and slept on the floor near Moon.

(Oh ma lord :( this is exhausting. Not to mention I've got a bacterial infection in my lungs and throat currently so the fatigue is also setting in. Im going to be okay to continue but I will be posting one a day now. That is if I finish night 2 since I've don't day 2. Hope y'all enjoyed the bloodshed yet again!!)

Word count: 824

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