Oh shit...

7 1 2

Clock in.
Work a quarter of your heart to death.
Smoke break.
Work half of the earlier piece.
Lunch break.
Slack off.
Doze off.
Clock out.
Drinks in front of microwaves.
Go to bed wishing better dreams.
Wake up before falling asleep.......

Clock in.
Work half a quarter of your life to death.
Smoke till the rooftop reeks.
Work while thinking if a typewriter sounds better than a mouse click...
Skip lunch.
Rush whatever's trespassing the deadline.
Clock out.
Take a shower before going out to get off.
Laugh at the wrong joke.
Wash your face, your sleeves, your knuckles.
Mental note on a dentist appointment.
Got to bed wishing for better dreams.
Wake up choking on a cough.

Pops Penicillin before clock in.
Doze off.
Doze off.
Spit out blood at lunch,
remembering the dentist appointment.
Giving out the rest of your pack to an accountant.
Dentist appointment before dinner.
Jellies and painkillers.
Fall asleep on the table.......

Wake up late.
Rush to clock in.
Co-worker asking about your condition....
and when was the last time you shower.
Finishing the rest of your goal.
Skip lunch.
Feeling dizzy, buying smoke, smoke break.
Agrees to hang with the accountant.
Ran into the guy with shitty jokes.......

Wake up.
Pops painkillers on the double.
Work till the words blur.
Lunch with the accountant,
whose shirt looks paler than last night.
Clock out.

Wake up to notifications at three.
Espresso and mouse clicks.
Clock in a lot earlier.
Presentation while having toothache relapse.
Spit out blood after a pad on the shoulder.
Dentist again.
More painkiller.
Remembering it's Saturday at an empty desk.
Stuffy chest at the sidewalk.
Decided to take a break.
Watch TV for half an hour before going out......
This time wander off to a free art gallery.
Ask the artist, as politely as possible
'What the fuck is wrong with you?'
Laugh and drink with the artist and her friends.
Had a dream but couldn't quite remember.

Ride a trolley home.
Watch the first sunrise in the past two years.
The guy with the bad joke sat down next to you.
He doesn't remember you.
You ask him half heartedly
as he's in obvious hangover like you.
'Tell me a joke.'
'How do you great an honest Gypsy?'
'Say Hello. But first, get a mirror at his face to make sure he's not a ghost.'
Laugh in an empty trolley.
Tell him his jokes are getting better.
He remembers you now.

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