Chapter 2: Playing Evil

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I hurriedly opened the drawer where I keep my mugs and glasses. Not able to find what I was looking for, I turned to the person standing next to the table.

"How could you break it?", I asked in disbelief. I brushed my hands on my face. "No. How did you even break it? You hammered it with a hammer or something?"

Without any expression on his face, he replied, "It fell yesterday."

I glared at him confused and angry, "How could it fall? It fell by itself?" I couldn't help but be sarcastic.

"I didn't see it while grabbing your sugar container", he explained.

"You don't use sugar! Why would you grab my sugar container?" I furrowed my brows curiously.

Kyle doesn't use sugar. He drinks his coffee without sugar so he never bought sugar. Why would he suddenly come to my apartment for sugar?

Instead of answering my question, he sighed and said, "I bought a replacement, didn't I?" He shrugged his shoulders, showing impatience.

My anger spiked into a maximum. He is always like this. Always indifferent. I could let this matter pass but seeing that he doesn't even feel guilty, makes me boil in anger.

"That mug was from grandma! How could you think you can just buy a replacement for it!", I shouted at him.

He didn't respond and just stood looking down at me.

I am tall but Kyle is a head taller. And that's what I hate the most! Whenever we have arguments like this, he would stand looking down at me and I would feel like I already lost the fight. We had shared enough little quarrels and mostly, I would lose. One time, we had an argument about who plays basketball better. I eventually lost the debate as he emphasized mostly on his tall stature as a basis of a good basketball player. I tried to contradict his claim but to no avail. As fights with words couldn't really solve our problem, we competed in a one-on-one basketball game. And yeah, I lost. Because of his tall physique he was able to steal most of my balls. But thinking about it now, I think I just suck at basketball that's why Kyle was able to win over me that day.

The thing is, Kyle has a certain habit when it comes to arguments and fights. He fights back when he wants to prove a point but mostly, he just stands silently and lets me ramble on and on. He would just stare down at me and be a statue as I become a raging bull.

When a person you are arguing with doesn't argue back, it makes you feel stupid! It ignites the fire more.

Feeling hopeless, I turned my back at him and continued to organize the groceries.

"Look", he said in a soft voice but still guilt is not present, "I'll buy an exact copy of your mug."

Without turning to him I uttered, "No need. You can't replace something like that anyway. You know your way to the door."

I heard another sigh from him before he walked outside of my apartment.

As soon as he left, I stopped my acting of being busy rummaging through the groceries and walked to a chair. Thinking of the broken mug makes my heart ache for some reason. That mug was special! I treasure it the most. It is unfortunate that it had to be broken by a heartless man.

I stood up and walked to the garbage bin and sure enough I found what I was looking for. Broken pieces of the mug were pitifully discarded. Staring at it, I felt sadness looming. I picked up the broken pieces and washed them on the sink. After drying them with a piece of cloth, I placed them on a plastic bag, hoping that I could get it restored.

Monday came and the first day of the sports festival is a blast. This is the time when libraries are deserted and students are scattered around the campus. The grassy fields are filled with students doing varieties of things. Couples and group of friends sprawled on the grasses with their picnic mats, snacks scattered at the center, taking this opportunity to date and hang out. Some students who are optimistic about the festival, joyously painted their cardboards for their cheering squads. Booths of different college departments, mostly snack booths, lined up one by one near the oval. Some of the dedicated studious students sat on the benches and chillingly read their books with earphones on their ears.

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