Liberty is important, but why?

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Have you ever heard of people in America saying how much liberty is important? That's probably because it is. I mean, we even have a statue given to us because even other countries know how much liberty matters us.
    In fact, liberty is so important to us that now the word "liberty" can be someone's name. (Especially for girls). I don't know about you, but for me, liberty is really hard to avoid here in America.
     And by that, I should start to introduce our main character of the story. Surprisingly, it's me. And I love Liberty, both the American importance one and her. Who am I talking about? Oh, well, she has crystal clear blue eyes and beautiful pale skin with a hint of pink (just like a pearl). She has a perfect body and has an amazing personality.
     She sounds nice, right? Well, she is! She is also THE MOST COMPLICATED PERSON ON EARTH!!!! She has so many problems, including vaping, drinking, sex, and most importantly, abuse. Why? I have no idea. She just does.
       After hearing all of this, you might be thinking, "How can someone so beautiful be living such a disastrous life?". Boy, do I ask myself that all the time. And you know what's funny? She is all I want. And people might say, "Girl, get some more simple" or "Girl, why her?" And honestly speaking, I don't know, but one thing is for sure. I love her and I want her to be mine.

( Hi! I'm the author you may call me absolutely anything, but author is okay. This is just a reminder that none of these characters are real, just made up. Also, something very serious. I LOVE YA'LL)

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