Birthday Party

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   After what felt like an eternity, it was finally my birthday! I made some invitations and decided to hand them out at school. In choir, I was very nervous to ask Liberty to my party, for some reason. Weird, I never acted like this around other girls, only boys. It was probably noting.
     After a few days, I was outside decorating for the birthday party. Some of my friends came, so did some family members. But, when she arrived, I started to make sure my hair was nice and pretty. Not for me, but instead for her.
During the party, I was sitting in the grass with her. We were talking about school and family until she picked up something from the ground. It was a heart-shaped leave. She looked at it and smiled and gave it to me. I loved it. I loved it so much that I kept it in my phone case.
Ever since the party, I have never stopped thinking about Liberty. Her laughter, her smile, her in general. It was so pretty. I hope I never let go of her.

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