who is that girl?

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I was raised to be a straight line with not a single mistake. I was taught to look for a man with manners and love for God. I always thought that gay people were like legends. Not real people or anything like that. This is because I was put in a very expensive private school full of people who were homophobic and cared too much about a reputation than to like other people. Most of them had arranged marriages or didn't date at all.
      I, on the other hand, had several crushes, and I asked out several guys. But, at the end of the day, none of them mattered. Because what I was really looking for was not in a private school full of homophobics. Instead, she was in a broken, hometown school.
        My family was never really rich, so being able to attend a private school was a privilege. Unfortunately, we started losing money, and I was sent to a dirty public school full of weird and crazy people.
         One of my favorite classes there was choir. It was calm, short, and favorable.
        In that class, I met a girl named Addi. She was sweet and kind. She is one of those girls who should belong in a private school for rich people.
        She always pointed out how people looked like. Which can be a bit of a problem sometimes. She has pointed out a few things about everyone except for Liberty.
       When I first laid eyes on her, my first thought was, "Wow! She's really pretty!". And looking at the description from  earlier, you can see why.
        I was never interested in being friends with Liberty because I always thought that she was too important, even more important than Addi, to be around me. Turns out a few days later, Addi introduced me to her.
        She and I locked eyes for the first time. It is quite surprising seeing that I have waved at her several times in the past. When we locked eyes, I swear my heart started to beat fast, I loved her ever since then.
        She looked so cute and pretty. She was e rrything I wanted. Since I met her I wanted to get to know her.

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