Chapter 18

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Two months later

               "Do you have Fluffy?" Emma asked Bree before they left their new home for the little girl's sleepover. Like many of the settlers in the city that they had decided to call New Atlantis, they were temporarily living in one of the empty cargo containers that had been partitioned into one bedroom for the adults, and another for Bree. There were many nights that Bree ended up coming to their room though, as she loved snuggles with the adults, or was just looking for Fluffy.

               "No! Fluffy is staying here!" Bree replied happily. "But Rosie has Whiskers, so it's ok."

               Fluffy and Whiskers were two of the newest additions to their community. Just over a week after their arrival, they had finished transporting everything down that was needed, and Emma needed a day to relax after all the flying. Viv, Lexi, and Bree had already explored a little of the area, even venturing to the edge of the woods, and they took Emma there with them for the picnic that Bree had been promised. They were still subsisting on the food that they'd brought from Earth, as the scientists were currently testing things to find out what was safe and what wasn't, so they were playing safe. Some of those included the little yellow fruit that was the size of grapes that grew in clusters on the red trees, and the herd animals that ran wild all over the island.

As the little family of four sat on a blanket eating their reheated spaghetti, they were joined by half a dozen little furry creatures that showed no fear of humans and an overwhelming curiosity towards the food that they were eating. They were colored a deep red, like the leaves, and had dark blotches to help them blend in with the foliage above and had the facial features that would remind them of a cat, but the body and tail of a squirrel. So it was that the humans met what ended being called the Squirts, though Lena kept arguing that they should call them Squats.

Bree had been left in charge of Fluffy, with her best friend Rosie caring for Whiskers, and her other friend Finn getting a third named Tigger. The remainder were split up, with one going to Lena, Miles and Lily, another going to Pepper and Vanessa, and the last going to an Australian zoologist named Chloe. Having a zoologist from Australia was considered a coup, as they had so many weird things there, that nothing would be considered strange here on their new home world.

Tonight, Bree was sleeping over with Rosie, a cute little pastime that changed every few days. Sometimes the girls would be snuggled up in Bree's bed, and others in Rosie's. They were already inseparable, and it was wonderful to see Bree laughing and smiling so often. Of course, that also meant that they had their little home to themselves tonight, and they were finally ready to take things to the next level. The three women had been taking it slowly, not moving beyond some very lovely kissing episodes and random touches that stopped well short of their dreams and imaginations. But they finally felt like they were in a place where they were ready to be official and see just how physically compatible that they were.

"Are you ready for this?" Emma asked Lexi once they got back from dropping Bree off.

"Yeah, very ready!" Lexi replied quickly. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous, but she was also incredibly excited. She'd had experimented with her ex a few times, but she didn't think that could ever compare to what she was about to have with these two women who looked at her like she was going to be their dinner. "Just, don't expect me to be the best, okay?"

"Don't worry about it, Red," Emma assured her. "We'll go slow and find out what you like and then we'll show you just how good this can be. We'll take care of you, and then if you want, you can try a few things to see how it works out, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Lexi asked nervously. "I don't want you to think I can't do things too!"

Viv chuckled as she moved over to the redhead, running her hands over her back as she pulled her into a hug. "We know, Red. But believe me, we want to explore you too. Let's just take turns, and then we'll all get used to each other. BB here, and I, have had a lot of time together, but we've never included anyone else before, and this is new for us too. But trust me, we've been thinking about all the things we wanna do with you." Lexi shivered in excitement at her words and couldn't wait to start!

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