16 :: water fight

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song:  throw sum mo - rae sremmurd

mood: valerie and harry are happy and having a good time 

date: monday, 25 July

time: 1:32pm

special text: i'm so wet- valerie, 1:32pm

me: i'm so wet

harret: ..

harret: are u joking?

harret: bc u turned me on 

me: omg harry

me: no i didn't mean it that way

harret: oooo

me: i'm having a water fight

harret: oh

me: yeah haha

harret: can i join?

me: ...

harret: did i say something wrong?

me: no

me: it's just

me: it's weird

me: bc i'm not used to see u in reallife yk

harret: i get it

harret: but can i pls come?

harret: hehehehe 'come' 

me: dirty minded much

harret: idc ((((:

me: you can come over (:

harret: yeAh 

harret: i'm on my way


harret: wait

harret: where do you live?


me: dumbass

harret: dickhead**

me: my dickhead***

harret: naWHH

me: sthhh ;)

me: pownerstreet 23 (ikr the weirdest name evah, idek if it's a real name HAHAHAH)

harret: omG

me: what?

harret: babe

harret: i practically live next door

me: what

me: omg

me: no

me: u kidding?

me: ain't u?

harret: i'm not kidding is2g

me: omg that's so weird

harret: i live behind your house

me: iokdncjk

me: omygod that's cool

me: and scary at the same time

harret: i'll use the backdoor

me: ok ((:

harret: your house is pretty

me: why are you texting me?

me: i'm standing next to you

harret: i can hear you giggling

harret: that's the cutest thing i've ever heard

Valerie's Point of View

His eyes, his goddamn eyes. They're looking at me all the time. I feel so flattered, but insecure at the same time. Why is he looking all the time? It makes me blush and blushing doesn't match with me. It's not pretty. Well actually, it looks terrifying. Like seriously, I look like some kind of tomato. And that's not in the positive way. I don't even know how that could be positive actually, but okay. 

"Babe, you're so cute," He whispers sweet, and smiles. I blush, and swear a little. Like I said, I hate blushing. "Why are you swearing cutie?" He giggles a little. "I'm so ugly when I blush," I sigh, "Well actually, I'm always ugly but okay," I laugh a little and he gives me a serious look. "You are perfect to me," It's quiet. Like, actually really, really quiet. If I saw two persons like me and him, I'd think they were a couple. But we aren't and we are not going to be a couple, right?

"Did I go too far?" He says, and he looks kind of nervous. "No! It's just, I'm not used to.." I'm trying to find the right words, but I just can't find them. "I get it," He smiles at me. How did he understand me? I didn't even finish my sentence. "So, you were having a water fight, right?" I nodd and smile. "I wanna make you wet," He smirks at me. "O my-" He laughs. "You're so dirty minded," He burst out in a laugher, and I start to laugh a little too. "You are the one that gave me those thoughts," My eyes widen open. He smirks at me. "No, o my god, no, I didn't mean it like that," He frowns at me. "I mean that 'cause of all your dirty talking, I began to have a dirty mind," He smiles at me. "Ofcourse," He whispers and giggles. 

"Let's get wet!" He suddenly screams and I laugh a little. He hugs me, and gives me a few kisses in my neck, before turning a bucket full of water above my head. I scream, and he can't stop laughing. I smirk in an evil way at him, before running to my bucket, and take a few waterballoons in my hands, throwing them all on him. He screams like a little kid, and I burst out in a laugher. He frowns at me, and gets a few waterballoons. I look at him, and he smirks at me, before throwing the balloons at me. After that, he takes another bucket, ofcourse full of water, and starts running after me. I'm laughing and screaming while he tries to catch me. After a few minutes, he catches me and puts his arms around my waist. My booty is pushed against his dick, and he groans a little. I try to turn my head a little, and look  right into his eyes. He smiles, slowly closes his eyes, and he leans forward a little. I close my eyes as well. I'm standing on my toes. When his lips touch mine, I feel a feeling I've never experienced. This feeling is amazing and I don't want it to stop. After a minute he gets his lips of mine, and I instantly miss them. 

Just when I'm about to open my eyes, I feel so much cold water falling over my body and face. I scream as loud as I can. Harry is laughing so loud and hard, it almost makes me forget that he just threw a bucket full of ice cold water over me. An evil idea comes into my master brains. I run towards him, and hug him. I try do hug him as hard as I can, so that he gets wet. "O my god, Valerie!" He screams like a girl. I burst out in a laugher and he starts to giggle. After a few secondes, it gets quiet and I began to think about something I wanted to ask for a while now. 

"Did you cry during The Fault In Our Stars?"


and again, i'm ending a chapter with this sentence. HAHAHAHAHHhahahAHAH. poor u. i feel like this book is almost done, lmao. i don't want any drama or something in it, just because i really like the story his way.

i think this story is going to have a sequel tho. so don't worry babes ((: and nawh they're so cute together oMG. btw can you pls say it if there's any wrong grammar? i'd really appreciate that ((:

sterre x

ps: the name of harry: harry + wet = harret AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHH

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