Presenečenje za Stelo

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Kelly has been acting strange for a while and stella doesn't know what it is and stella asks kelly what's going on kelly says I have a surprise for you and stella asks what's the surprise kelly says let's go to the beach so you'll relax a little so you won't be stressed and stella smiles kelly and kelly leans in and kisses stella and they pack and go and check into the hotel and change And she changes into a bathing suit and they go swimming and then they get out of the pool and stella pushes kelly into the pool and kelly pulls her behind him and kelly then asks stella if she liked the relaxation trip and they change and go for a walk on the pier and then they go to dinner and kelly asks stella what she's thinking stella says about the future and kelly looks at her and his look says explain and stella says i can already see us with three kids married and all three kids will be little girls when they wrap their fingers around you with hunger and kelly smiles and he says i agree and they kiss. Then stella asks kelly how is casey and kelly says ok stella tells kelly she called gabby and goes to the airport to pick her up so gabby and casey talk and not break up just because of this misunderstanding and kelly goes to km casey with gabby and stella and gabby and casey talks for a long time and in the end they decide to stay together and gabby hugs stella and thanks her for making her come back to chicago and stella and kelly then say goodbye to gabby and casey and go home gabby and casey watch a movie and they cuddle and stella and kelly come home and they are exhausted and stella says i'm so tired and she almost falls asleep on the couch and kelly carries her to the bed next to her and lays down next to her and they fall asleep.

I hope you liked it and I apologize for any mistakes as English is not my native language

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