I... I don't know what to say. ⏯ N.H.

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The five of them had always been inseparable. Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall. From their humble beginnings on The X Factor to becoming one of the biggest boy bands in the world, they had experienced it all together. But lately, something felt off.

Niall had been distant, withdrawn even. He wasn't talking as much, often retreating to his own space and sleeping in a separate room. His usual bright demeanour had dulled, replaced by a sadness that weighed heavily on the hearts of his four bandmates.

One evening, after weeks of silently observing Niall's behaviour, the other boys decided they couldn't ignore it any longer. They gathered in the living room of their shared house, tension thick in the air.

Harry cleared his throat, breaking the uneasy silence. "Niall, mate, we need to talk."

Niall looked up, his eyes tired and distant. "Yeah, what's up?" he asked, trying to muster a smile that never quite reached his eyes.

"It's about... us," Liam began, choosing his words carefully. "We've noticed you've been... distant lately."

Niall's shoulders tensed, his gaze dropping to the floor. He knew this conversation was coming, but he still wasn't prepared for it.

"And we can't help but feel like maybe you're not happy being with us anymore," Louis added, his voice laced with concern.

Niall's heart sank at the words. It was true that he hadn't been himself lately, but it wasn't because he didn't want to be with them. It was because he didn't feel worthy of their love and support, not with the constant barrage of hateful comments he faced online.

"I..." Niall started, his voice cracking with emotion. "I don't know what to say."

Liam placed a comforting hand on Niall's shoulder. "Mate, if you don't want to be in this relationship anymore, you can just say so. We won't hold it against you."

Niall's breath caught in his throat as panic threatened to consume him. Leave? How could they even suggest such a thing? But before he could stop himself, tears began to spill down his cheeks, his facade crumbling under the weight of his emotions.

"I don't want to leave," he choked out between sobs. "I just... I don't know how to deal with all of this anymore."

The other boys exchanged worried glances, realizing they had completely misread the situation. They had been so caught up in their own fears of losing Niall that they hadn't stopped to consider what he might be going through.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Zayn murmured soothingly, pulling Niall into a tight hug. "You don't have to go through this alone."

And in that moment, surrounded by the love and support of his four best friends, Niall felt a glimmer of hope begin to bloom within him. Maybe, just maybe, he could find his way back to himself with their help.

Over the following weeks, the boys rallied around Niall, helping him navigate his struggles with depression and the relentless online hate. They reminded him of his worth, lifting him up on the days when he felt like he couldn't go on.

And slowly but surely, Niall began to heal. With the unwavering support of his bandmates, he found the strength to face his demons head-on, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Together, they weathered the storms of life, bound by a love that was unbreakable. And as they stood side by side, facing whatever challenges lay ahead, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything.


It was one of those days when the weight of the world seemed to crush down on Niall's shoulders. The morning sun filtered weakly through the curtains, casting a dim light on the room he shared with his four bandmates. But even the gentle warmth of the sun couldn't penetrate the darkness that clouded his mind.

Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn had noticed the change in Niall's demeanor immediately upon waking. They exchanged concerned glances as they watched him lie motionless in bed, his eyes fixed on some distant point beyond the walls of their shared home.

"Hey, Niall, you okay?" Liam ventured cautiously, his voice gentle as he approached the bed.

Niall didn't respond, his silence a heavy blanket draped over the room. His chest felt tight, constricted by the weight of his sadness. He wanted to get up, to face the day with the same determination he always did, but he couldn't find the strength within himself to move.

Louis perched on the edge of the bed, reaching out to gently squeeze Niall's hand. "You don't have to pretend everything's okay, you know," he murmured softly. "We're here for you, no matter what."

Tears pricked at the corners of Niall's eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. He felt overwhelmed, suffocated by the darkness that seemed to close in around him. How could he explain to his bandmates that some days, the simple act of getting out of bed felt like an insurmountable task?

Zayn sat down beside Louis, wrapping an arm around Niall's shoulders in a comforting gesture. "You don't have to go through this alone, Niall," he said quietly. "We're here to help you, every step of the way."

But Niall couldn't shake the feeling of hopelessness that gripped his heart like a vice. He felt like a burden, like he was dragging his bandmates down with him into the depths of his despair.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the sound of his own ragged breathing. "I don't want to be like this, I just... I don't know how to stop it."

Harry knelt down beside the bed, his eyes filled with a mixture of sympathy and determination. "You don't have to stop it alone," he insisted, his voice firm. "We're a team, remember? We're here for each other, through thick and thin."

And in that moment, surrounded by the unwavering love and support of his four boyfriends, Niall felt a flicker of hope ignite within him once more. Maybe he couldn't conquer his demons all at once, but with the help of his bandmates, he knew he could face them head-on, one day at a time.

Together, they would hold each other up, lifting each other higher than they could ever hope to soar alone. And as they huddled together in the dim light of the morning, their bond stronger than ever, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm that came their way.

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