Ghostface meets Gabriel and they go to a Halloween party.

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Gabriel's hackles raised as he caught a whiff of an unknown scent. He held a hand up, signaling to the others that something was here. After doing a few more hand signals, his group began to move. Two of them went left; two right while Gabriel went forward alone.

The scent was growing stronger by the minute as he made his way down the dark hallway of the abandoned building. Gabriel gripped his knife a bit tighter when he came to an open doorway. He was aware of a presence in the room. He took a deep breath to prepare himself before stepping across the threshold.

He glanced around, knife raised. He saw nothing even though he could still sense the presence. Its scent was strong here.

SHINK. There was the sound of a blade arching through the air. Gabriel managed to drop into a crouch just in time as the knife swung right where his back had been. Using his momentum, Gabriel leapt backwards and slammed into the cloaked figure that held the blade, sending them both to the ground with a loud THUMP.

Both of their blades were sent scattering across the floor. Gabriel twisted and pinned the figure to the ground, releasing a snarl. He paused for a moment, eyes widening when he finally got a good look at the figure's mask.

"What the h--"

Gabriel was cut off. The figure had managed to kick him in the stomach, which made Gabriel let out a hiss. He raised a fist before swinging at the stranger. He heard a yelp of pain. The figure went limp, losing consciousness. Gabriel growled in anger before getting up.

The immortal raised a hand to his ear, pressing on the earpiece that lay there. Panting, he gave a quick update to his teammates. "Suspect's been knocked unconscious. Get the car ready. I'm bringing 'em to you."

-------- (time skip of two weeks)

"You're kidding, right?"

The response was immediate.

"Savannah there's no way. It's too small."

Gabriel put the phone between his shoulder and ear and picked up the costume. He let out a snort. "You're killing me here, Sav."

There was a pause before Gabriel sighed. "Alright. Alright. I'll try it on. If it fits, then so be it. If it doesn't, I'm going as something else."

Savannah said something on the other end. Gabriel grumbled something before clicking off. "Father save me...," was all he said before beginning to change into the ridiculous costume.

Once he was finished, he walked out of his room. Ghostface was waiting in the living room for him. One look at Gabriel had him dying laughing. Gabriel let out a snort.

"Dude....You look hilarious but hot at the same time. What the actual fuck." Ghostface remarked once he caught his breath after laughing so hard.

"Rude.... But I don't blame ya. I probably look ridiculous." Gabriel muttered. He turned and walked down the hallway. Stepping into the bathroom to look in the mirror, Gabriel took one look at himself and let out a laugh. The skirt of the maid outfit was short and only covered what it needed to. His biceps strained slightly against the short sleeves. He had knee-high black socks. A little lace piece wrapped around his neck, looking suspiciously like a collar. The apron had a bit of fake blood on it, as did other components of the costume.

Ghostface came to join him in the bathroom.

"Honestly, it's not as bad as I thought it'd be." Gabriel observed, turning a bit. He grinned. "My ass looks great in this skirt."

Ghostface rolled his eyes and punched him playfully on the shoulder. "Come on. Let's get going. The party starts at 5. Agent Hayes and the others are already there."

"For the last time, Ghost, she wants you to call her by her first name." Gabriel reminded him. He gave another grin. "But yeah, let's get going. I can't wait to see what Kendrick says." Gabriel walked past Ghostface and out of the bathroom. He quickly put on his shoes and headed out the door. Ghostface followed behind him.


After arriving at the party, Gabriel took a moment to adjust a couple things on his costume before following Ghostface into the building.

Striding confidently through the door, many turned to look at the muscular man as he made his way towards his friends at the back. Wolf-whistles and compliments were thrown his way as he passed the other party-goers. He noticed that Savannah, Kendrick and a few other friends of theirs were talking to some of the strangers at the party.

"--and when you go in to kiss 'em, pull him in by his belt."

"His belt?"

This is where Gabriel made his entrance. "Mm mm..." He said, shaking his head slightly. His voice had a deep, husky tone to it. "See.. that's dangerous. Don't do that." Gabriel tilted his head slightly, a seductive smirk plastered across his handsome features. Kendrick's eyes widened at the sight of him. Gabriel took a few steps forward, backing Kendrick against a wall. "'Cause I will not be responsible for anything--," he put quite a bit of emphasis on 'anything'," --that happens after that."

The rest of the group was pretty much silent as they watched Gabriel stand over Kendrick. Not to be outdone, Kendrick put a hand on Gabe's chest and whispered something in his ear. Gabriel backed up a step. "Careful Kenny. We might have to leave if you keep this up."

Ghostface was the first to say something. "Ahem. You two can have all the fun you want later. As for now, let's party!" He threw his hands up.

Gabriel let out a laugh. "Guess your right. Let's do this."


It had been an hour since the party started. Most of them were drunk. Gabriel rolled his eyes, watching someone trip over their significant other and then dissolve into laughter.

He turned his head, only to see two tall men hitting on Kendrick. A low growl erupted from his throat. He got up from where he was sitting and marched over to them. Ghostface beat him to it. The killer stepped in between Kendrick, who was looking increasingly distressed, and the two men.

"Leave him alone. He clearly isn't interested. Plus, he's taken." Ghostface stated calmly.

"Yeah, yeah. But I bet we're better than whoever he's with. Besides," one of them glanced at the other, "we know how to have fun."

"Enough. No is no." Kendrick warned. He was on his feet now, standing beside Ghostface.

Gabriel came to stand between them. He released another growl. "You need to back off. That's my boyfriend who you were harassing. I happen to be territorial. I protect what's mine." The growl got louder. "So if you want to live, I suggest you get the hell out of here."

The men glanced at each other then back at Gabriel. "Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it, pretty boy? Yell at me?" They both laughed.

Gabriel was about to say something when one of the men let out a yelp. Blood began to pour from his mouth. He dropped, landing in a lifeless heap on the ground. Standing behind him was Ghostface holding a camera. There was a scream. Ghostface crouched down and grabbed a handful of the guy's hair. Pulling back so his face was visible, Ghostface angled the camera and took a selfie of himself and the dead man before letting go. The man's head hit the floor with an audible thud.

Ghostface stood upright, turning to look at the other guy. He went a pale white color before turning tail and joining several of the other party-goers in fleeing the scene. Gabriel let out a loud growl before checking on Kendrick.

"You alright, Kenny?" His voice was filled with concern. Kendrick nodded at him. He pecked Gabe on the cheek before taking out his phone and calling the murder in.

Ghostface bent down and removed the knife from the dead guy's spine. He tilted it ever-so-slightly, watching how the blood glistened in the light.

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