Hide and seek with a twist

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The forest was unnaturally quiet as Gabriel lay flat in the high branches of a rowan tree. There were four people--his friend's who were seekers--who were below him. He was completely silent as he watched them move into the distance. Gabriel laid his head on his arms; he'd be here awhile, but that's what you got for being great at hide and seek.

Gabriel thoroughly enjoyed this game, even in his thirties. He moved a bit, adjusted himself on the branch, and went still once more. One of the seekers from before returned with someone else. It was Shane, who was a hider. Gabriel refrained from laughing at his younger brother for being found so easily.

The seeker, who happened to be Mathias, escorted Shane to the waiting area for those who had been found. Shane sat down. He was panting heavily. Gabriel narrowed his eyes, watching as Mathias walked away from Shane to start seeking again.

Gabriel remained where he was, silent as ever. He smiled to himself when he thought about how long it'd take for them to find him. The large man watched as Shane looked around the forest. He seemed bored. Soon more hiders were found and brought back to what they called 'The Dead Man's Clearing'. Gabriel remained silent.

It took about an hour for the seekers to find everyone; except for Gabriel, of course. Gabriel grinned, watching from the shadows of the tree branch he lay upon. Gabriel could hear talking from below.

"Alright. Gabriel's the only one left. Go figure." Bennett grumbled. He looked around as if Gabe would just pop up out of thin air.

"Yeah. He's got an unfair advantage. He's a Werelord!" Kyle complained. The AIT crossed his arms. Myles only laughed at him.

"That doesn't really have anything to do with it. He's just good." Myles countered.

"Um...Guys?" Bo interjected. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Well... I can smell him. He's close....I just can't tell where." The young bearlord seemed disappointed in himself. Happy rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, Kiddo. You're doin' great." Happy soothed. Bo smiled at him.

"Let's try this again." The bearlord gave a big sniff, his eyes closing briefly. Gabriel watched his fellow Werelord attempt to track the scent. The Wolflord smiled fondly as Bo moved towards the tree that he was in. Bo looked up, searching the branches.

"I think I found him!" Bo exclaimed, giving a mischievous grin. The other seekers walked over.

"Well, if he is there, we gotta climb up and tag him. You know the drill!" Happy explained. Bo nodded and leapt up into the tree to begin climbing. This was where Gabriel made his escape.

He quickly moved and sprang onto the adjacent tree. The seekers watched in wonder as Gabriel dropped to the ground and took off at a sprint.

"After him!" Mathias yelled, running after the fleeing Wolflord.

Gabriel had disappeared quickly. Mathias and the others fanned out, searching.

Footsteps were heard in the distance. The seekers hurried towards the sound. The footsteps suddenly stopped. The sound of crying replaced the footsteps. The agents and AITs froze. Crying in the woods wasn't a good sign.

The roar of an angry Werelord abruptly rang out. Bo perked up.

"That's Gabriel!" He gasped. Shifting, the young Bearlord took off in the direction of Gabe.

When he reached him, it was carnage. A pale woman in a white dress lay on the ground, surrounded by slaughtered soldiers. Gabriel, in werewolf form and covered in blood, stood towards the side. Bo came to a halt. He was shocked as he looked at the bloodshed that had happened only moments before.

Gabriel shifted back into human form and dropped to his knees, panting. Bo shifted as well and rushed to his side. The others arrived soon after. Gabriel remained on his knees. There was a blank look in his eyes. Blood covered him. It was on his face, hands, and clothes. The crimson liquid dripped from numerous stab wounds spanning across his chest and abdomen.

Myles noticed this first. "Call an ambulance! We gotta get him to the hospital. He's hurt."

Gabriel, who normally would object, said nothing. The group moved him towards The Dead Man's Clearing, where the others were waiting. An ambulance was called and Gabriel was eventually transported to the hospital. He said nothing for days. Everyone was worried. What did Gabriel see that day in the woods that made him become mute?

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