Ghost town

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The abandoned ghost town was eerily quiet as Gabriel and Kendrick moved through it.

Gabriel stuck close to Kendrick, growling quietly at everything that moved. Kendrick kept an eye on their surroundings as they came to a building that had once been an inn.

Gabriel inhaled deeply as they entered, his eyes momentarily closing. Unfamiliar scents flooded his nose, and he snorted. The two did a quick sweep of the place.

"All clear," Gabriel assured. Kendrick nodded to him. Heading towards one of the back rooms, they put their backpacks down.

"We can leave our stuff here for now. I'm sure it will be fine." Gabriel suggested, giving a sniff for good measure. His lover glanced at him.

"Very well. Shall we go take a quick look around town? It definitely seems abandoned, but it never hurts to look." Kendrick advised.

Gabriel nodded, giving him a grin. "After that....considering that we're all alone.." He trailed off, giving Kendrick a wink.

He responded with an eye roll. "You wish." Kendrick chuckled. "Not here. Have patience, my dear."

Gabriel let out a frustrated growl. "Yeah, yeah."

Kendrick smirked at his boyfriend. "Allez, mon coeur," he purred before heading towards the door.

The answering grumble that Gabriel gave as he followed was enough for Kendrick to laugh.

The two spent a few hours searching the buildings that made up the ghost town. Per Kendrick's earlier assessment, there were no others here. No tourists. No owners. No nothing. It was unnaturally quiet, which unnerved Gabriel, who kept looking over his shoulder.

The large Werelord sniffed around, his nose twitching. There was a considerable amount of ruins around the town. Gabriel's fingertips brushed past the crumbling structures, images flickering through his head.

By sunset, they had explored the entire town. The two men quickly made their way back to the inn. They went through the process of eating and getting ready for bed. Soon, darkness fell, enveloping them in darkness.

Gabriel's eyes glowed in the darkness as they settled down.

"Goodnight, mon cheri," Gabe whispered in the darkness as he wrapped his arms around his mate.

"Night," Kendrick replied before closing his eyes. It didn't take long for the both of them to fall asleep.

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