Lay - Dimples

54 3 0

21st July

Your POV
Ever get the feeling like you just want to lie in your bed and never get up well that's everyday for me not to mention I have school . Well today's the worst day of my life , I caught my boyfriend cheating on me yesterday outside the school gate near the parking lot where my moms car was parked which I was inside gritting my teeth enough for them to break into pieces , seeing how she flips her hair and he strokes it .

I didn't even cry that night , all I can think of is how stupid I am not to see that before and how my best friend can stab me in the back and cheat on me with my boyfriend whom she knows I loved for more than 3 years . Was she even my friend ? I felt like I'm not worth anything . We have Chemistry experiment today and we're suppose to work in groups and I'm only hoping that I won't be in the same group as my ex boyfriend whom I broke up with yesterday without even explaining the reason why and my ex best friend whom wasn't even my friend .

"So who's ready to start working on their chemistry ? " Mrs.Cameron asked raising her eyebrows and smiling like she won a lottery . None of us really wanted to but you know it's school not your choice .
"Okay so let's work in groups according to your knowledge " she said pointing out who and what teams they'll be in then finally me .
"________ , Chanyeol , Irene and Lay , table no.7 please "
Great being in a group of bunch of jerks is fun except Lay really don't know him much .
We headed for our table and carry our books and believe it or not Irene is clinging unto my shoulder which is weird since she cheated with my boyfriend Chanyeol , I tried to make her let go but this girl is way taller than me so she can probably drag me where she wants .

"So shall we start ? " Lay asked all I can do is nod
So before we could start we had to balance some equation first which was so easy but in My ex case hard .
"Hey what's the answer for No.5 ? " Chanyeol asked rubbing the end of his pencil in his bushy hair and handing me his book
"um let me see f*ck off " I said pretending to show him how to do it and he doesn't look to pleased
"What is your problem ? " he asked retrieving his book back not getting and answer
"My problem or yours ? " I asked raising my eyebrows facing him , gosh I hope I was sitting next to lay
"What ? " he asked trying to look innocent
"You know what I can't do this so please don't talk to me " I said Turing away and asking Irene I'd she wants to Change seats and of course she said yes what a surprise .

I sat down next to Lay he looks startled so I apologized and damn his dimples shows when he smile . We started with our experiment well just Lay and me m both of them are too busy chatting so why not start with lay while doing this plus I'm bored .
"Hey Lay " I said talking the test tube passing it to him , not looking at him
"Hmmm ? " he hummed putting on his goggles and writing down notes
"Have you ever been cheated on before ? " I asked not caring whether this is our first time talking to each other and he look pretty surprised but still answered me
"Yeah why? " he asked dropping 2 cm hydrochloric acid in the beaker with water
"How does it feel ? " I asked adding 1 cm of iodine
"Well it huts of course but there's nothing we can do although it's not our loss so we shouldn't be that sad all we can do is move on " he said canceling all the notes he wrote down , huh wasting ink
"Oh , so how do we move on ? " I asked sitting down finishing our experiment first than the others
"Well it will take time , we should try to think of the positive things and the future and we should think that if I don't move on I'll be the one getting hurt and not him or her so we're doing it for ourselves which is why we should really move on when we get broke by those worthless people " he said taking his goggles off
"Guess so , so I should move on right ? " I asked him
"With Chanyeol yes but you shouldn't let them off that easily you should at least to one thing that will hurt him because he cheated on you plus he kind of a dick bullying all nerds just because his auntie is the principal and not to mention he took my notes once leaving me B+ with science " he said smirking
"So what do you think we should do ? I mean I " I said leaning closer so no one can hear

"Dang how'd you come up with that ? " not believing what I heard this boy might be quiet but dang he's good

22nd July

We had Chemistry again today and the sabotage is about to happen Muahahaha but I have to wait for Lay since he's the mastermind
As Lay came we sat down and started with our work and waited until we reached halfway then I Punched Lay in the nose so it would bleed but not making any noise then I raised my hand and call the teachers attention .
"Mrs.Cameron Lay is bleeding may I take him to the nurse room ? I said trying to hide my burning fist
and she nodded immediately
We went our got the laboratory and immediately apologized to Lay
"Lay sorry for doing that , are u okay ? " I asked staring at his nose
"No it's Okay plus you really punch like a girl and this is our plan " he said smiling . Love that dimple .

After staying in the office more than 15minute we made our way back as soon as I open the door to the laboratory I could Mrs.Cameron scolding Irene and Chanyeol for not knowing about the experiment and well they got detention and one week assignment that wasn't supposed to be given . I could see Irene getting irritated and Chanyeol giving that look like what the hell is wrong with you . While me and lay smiling like idiots at least no one got hurt or injured right ? except lay . After that day we became Mrs.Cameron favorite Lab Partners and top students . Everyday we have chemistry so I spent 2h with Lay everyday which I found really nice and enjoyable . Wait . Do I like him ? No , right ..? Yes you do .

17 November
I stayed back after Graduation not because I wanted to but because Lay asked me too saying he needs to tell me something important . I waited for him but the rooftop aaahhh my favorite place . He said he'll come around 3:30 it's already 3:45 then I saw him jog my way and running out of breath and super sweaty .

"Anyone chasing you ? " I asked trying not to laugh
"Haha very funny " he said holding his knees
"So why'd you want to meet up ? " I asked tapping my foot
"Oh right because of this " he said then grabbed my waist and smashed his lips to mine , I was so schooled of what happened but after I realized what happened I began to kiss back . He pulled away for oxygen and give me that smile that i fell in love with . Damn tho dimples .

I really had to end it since I think this is too long . Haha anyway next chap will be part 2 of KAI (DANCE PARTNERS) please anticipate it . Thanks for reading .

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