Kai - Dance Partner ( Part 2 )

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I came 30minutes late for school and I missed out a lot , most kid wouldn't care whether they're late or not but I'm an honour student and get scholarship not to mention class president in my class . I didn't really get scolded much since Mr.Tom was sleepy while teaching English so he didn't have the energy to .

I sat down in my chair , no one at my left nor right one absent and one left . After English class to my surprise it wasn't Mrs.Gabriel who came but my class teacher Maureen with a student . A new student yet familiar .

"Guys since one of your classmate left for good , you will be having a new one . Meet Kim Jongin , please introduce yourself" and he did
"Hello , My name is Kim Jongin but you can call me Kai , I'm 17 years old . I like dancing especially ballet and hope we can all be good friends although I think one of you already is " he said staring at me and everyone's eye turned to me
"_________ do you know Jongin ? " Mrs.Maureen asked looking surprised more than ever .
"Well....umm.. No but yes you see" I tried explaining but how can I in front of my neighbor more else in front of my type . Wait ..I didnt say that outloud right ? Phew
"We're neighbors " he said smiling and even though he's the new guy most girls already fell for him and now ready to kill me for being neighbors with him.

I tried to stay away from that arrogant guy as possible not only he ruined my morning but made all the girls in my class hate me . I went to my locker to get some books that I forgot to bring home yesterday and when I closed it the most annoying face in the world appeared .

"Well hello there classmate or should I say neighbour " he said biting his green apple ( Draco Malfoy 😍) and made a very loud sound which reminds me m I forgot to ate lunch and now I only have 7 minutes left before class starts again . Damn it .
"What do you want ? " I asked leaning to my locker door .
"What I can't talk to my friends ? " he said taking another bite . My goodness my stomach is grumbling , I tried to take mind off food
"No and are we ? " I asked acting cool which I'm totally not by the way
"Aren't we ? " then another bite , this time my stomach let out a big sound and I'm pretty sure he heard it and smirked
"Hungry are we ? " he asked raising his eyebrows and smirking like a jerk
"I didn't say that " "you didn't , your stomach did " then I was speechless again then bell rang
"Here have an apple my snow white" he said winking and gave me an apple and left
"That arrogant boy " I said outloud which he didn't hear anymore

"Hey ________ , do you wanna walk with me ? " Sehun asks my best friend putting his arm around my neck which was removed by guess who Jongin

"Nope , she's walking with me " Kai said putting his hand on his pockets
"Why are you her boyfriend ? " Sehun asked
"Nope but she's my friend plus neighbor " Kai said grabbing me
"I'll meet you tomorrow Sehun ah " I shouted to sehun making sure he's okay

I was 30cm away from Kai walking to my house and his house since we're neighbors
"Why did you wanna walk with me ? " I was curious and blushing at the same time
"That's easy , I like you " he said putting his arms on my shoulder my I couldn't help but blush
"Don't say thing like that if you don't meant it " I said hitting him
"Who said I don't ? " he said going near me then I bumped into a post and saw a poster
"Dance competition " I read
"Great we're joining " Kai said grabbing the poster and my hand
"Wait wait join ? " I asked
"Yeap it's 2 weeks from now and during that period of time , I'll prove to you that I really like you " Kai said smiling
"But..." I tried to talk but he cut me off putting his finger at my lips
"Please ? " he asked then I just nod but what really scares me is the dance , I don't really work well with partners , I remembered practicing with 5 partners for the swan lake show where I quit .

1 week before the dance ~
Jongin and I have been practicing for almost 18h a day so I thought we should rest for the day to relax and plus I needed the extra time to sleep but sometimes the world wouldn't let you or just your neighbour .

I picked up the phone after the 3rd ringing
"Hello ? " I asked with a very dry voice wondering who disturbed my afternoon nap
"Hey partner , so I was thinking since we don't have practice why don't we have a relaxing day at the carnival , 2pm ? " Kai said trying to convince me
"Sorry Kai but my idea of relaxing is sleeping , maybe next time " I said ready to hang up but then he proposed a deal that I very much like "wait _______ what if you come then I'd treat you all the food ? " he said "please " I didn't even need to think twice
"Sure , I'll be right there " I said getting up and took a shower

"Hey , right here " Kai shouted waving his hand , he wasn't that hard to spot . He was wearing baby blue t shirt with white knee short and vans shoe
"Hey " I said rubbing my eyes
"You okay ? " he asked looking concerned
"Yeah just tired " I said nearly yawning
"Why did you come if your tired ? " he asked
"You made a deal remember ? So let's go get ice cream " I said pulling him to the nearest ice cream stall
"2 ice cream please , vanilla and ? " I said
"Chocolate " Kai chimed in
"Are you guys a couple ? " the guy asked , I couldn't help but blush . Some of my friends were boys and I'd go out and eat ice cream with them but no one ever suspected us to be together except this time
"No , we're just dance partners " I said licking the ice cream and started walking away towards the bench

After we got our icecream the owner asked if we were together and I notice that _________ blushed but she denied it and that made my heart sank .
"No , we're just dance partners " she said walking away
"Just dance partners " I sighed "for now"

GAGAGAGAHHAA I DONT KNOW HOW TO END THIS IMAGINE T T , this is not the end btw there's part 3 and maybe part 4 T T
Sorry for the long update

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