|Chapter Two|

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I'm woken up by my alarm, and I groan as I blindly search for my phone with my eyes still closed. I finally turn off my alarm, and roll over to bury my face in my pillow. I throw my blankets off, and slowly get out of bed. I walk to the kitchen, pouring myself a bowl of frosted flakes for breakfast. I sit down in the living room, and Sugar curls up beside me.

Tara walks out of her room "Oh! Good morning y/n!" She waves to me as she walks to the kitchen. Sugar runs after her, as soon as he realizes she's up. I laugh softly, munching on the cereal. Tara comes back out and sits beside me, Sugar following close behind her. I pull out my phone, scrolling through my notifications. I open Instagram to look at the comments on my recent post.

@username1: OMGGGG!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!

@username2: You moved in with Tara!? That's sooo cool!!! I hope we get to see you guys do videos together!!

@username3: Am I the only one who had no clue those two knew each other??

@username4: Omgggg does this mean you'll start hanging out with Jake and Johnnie too????

@username5: Are you gonna stream soon? Maybe you could do a house tour

I also notice a dm from Johnnie, reminding me that we're hanging out later today. And by later today, I mean in an hour. I feel my anxiety already starting to build, and I cover my face with my hands. "You ok hun?" Tara places her hand on my shoulder, and I sigh heavily.

"I'm scared!" I laugh nervously. Tara pulls me into a hug "Don't worry pooks, I'll be there with you!" She rubs my arm, squeezing me gently. I laugh softly "I know. I just haven't seen him in forever, it feels weird!" Tara clicks her tongue "You'll be fine!" She laughs softly.

"Don't worry, I'll help you get ready!" Tara claps her hands together, and stands up. She takes both of my hands in hers, and pulls me to my feet. I walk to my room, and Tara walks to hers to get her makeup. I go to my closet, trying to decide on what to wear. Tara sets her makeup on my vanity, and walks over to me.

We settle on a black mini skirt, an old oversized sweater, stockings, some leg warmers, and an old pair of black boots. Tara steps out of the room while I get dressed, and I throw my hair up to make it easier for her to do my makeup.

I sit down in front of my vanity, and Tara turns the chair to face her. "You're so much paler than I am, so I'm gonna have to use your concealer." I laugh softly, and Tara taps my nose with the beauty blender.

She begins doing my makeup, and we agree on her doing her usual look. "So, I will warn you, there is another person tagging along as well. Not sure if Johnnie told you about him or not?" I shake my head and Tara sighs "Ok so you remember my ex, Jake, right?" I nod "Well him and Johnnie are roommates, and best friends, so he'll be tagging along too."

"Well I guess that could be fun?" I laugh nervously. Tara smiles "You'll love him, trust me." She taps my nose again, and I laugh softly. "Relax hun, it's just gonna be us four." I sigh "You're right." I anxiously play with the sleeves of my sweater.

Tara and I finally arrive, and I'm once again panicking. Tara rests her hand on my shoulder "Girl, relax. You've got this!" I sigh "I just don't do well with people." Tara laughs "Oh trust me, I know." I scoff jokingly, which turns into us both laughing. Tara steps out of the car first, and I follow close behind her.

Tara knocks on the door and Johnnie answers it, his attention immediately drawn to me as his face lights up. All of my anxiety and fear fades away, and Johnnie greets me with a big hug. I laugh softly, giving him a gentle squeeze. "It's been so long!" He pulls away, smiling down at me. "Way too long." I reply.

We walk inside, and I anxiously fidget with my fingers. Tara taps my arm "Hey. Just breathe." She smiles softly, and I relax my shoulders. "Yeah don't worry, Jake doesn't bite. Much." Johnnie jokes, making me laugh.

We walk into the living room, and Tara and I sit together on the couch. "I'll go grab him, get comfy." Johnnie smiles and walks off. Tara pats my leg "I know you don't like new people, but trust me babes. You'll love him." Tara laughs softly, making me smile. I always trust Tara's judgment. Johnnie walks back in, a taller guy with a shaggy mullet following closely behind him.

My attention is immediately on the new guy, looking him up and down. His dark brown shaggy mullet, his piercings, his tattoos, his cropped blank tank paired with a pair of baggy red plaid pajama pants, the chain around his neck, his goofy smile, his pretty brown eyes, his black nails, the studded bracelets around his wrists.

Once he notices me, his expression changes and he tilts his head to the side. "Who's this?" He points to me, looking at Johnnie. "Y/n, this is Jake. Jake, this is Y/n." Johnnie points to him, and then to me. "Oh shit! You're Johnnie's old friend, right?" I nod, and his smile grows. "Yeah, he used to talk about you all the time." He teases. Johnnie playfully punches his arm, and Jake laughs.

"I see why though, you're really pretty." His smile softens, and I feel my face flush. "Nuh uh! No flirting with this one! She's off limits to you." Tara crosses her arms, making me laugh. "Thank you, you're pretty good looking yourself." I smile up at him, earning an even bigger grin from him. Tara sighs "Here we go."

I laugh softly, resting my hand on Tara's shoulder. "So how long have you all known each other?" Jake looks between the three of us. "I met Y/n at my first Warped Tour, we kind of just instantly became best friends." I hum in response, nodding my head. "And I've known Y/n for what? Like a year?" Tara looks to me, tilting her head.

"It's been a couple years now, cause we met before I left LA again." Tara nods "That's right!" Jake tilts his head to the side "Why'd you leave LA?" I laugh nervously "Family issues." He gives me a knowing look "Ah shit, sorry if that was too personal." He laughs nervously, but I shake my head. "Ah don't worry about it."

The four of us get to talking, and eventually drinking, and I'm gradually becoming more comfortable. I'm starting to remember why I used to spend so much time with Johnnie, and Jake is really growing on me. I catch up a bit with Johnnie, Tara talks about upcoming plans, Jake talks about upcoming parties, and I mostly just listen.

Johnnie turns to me "We should totally start bringing you with when we do stuff." Tara snaps her fingers "I was thinking the same! This one does not get out nearly enough, so I'm definitely dragging her with me." Tara turns to me, laughing softly.

"That'd be really fun." I smile softly. "So you're saying I get to see her pretty face more often?" Jake flirts, and I playfully roll my eyes. "Hey! No flirting." Tara snaps her fingers at Jake, and he laughs throwing his hands up "Alright, my bad."

"I should probably record soon, do you wanna join me for it?" Johnnie turns to me with a smile, and my face lights up. "Oh my God, I would love that!" His smile gets bigger "I could probably do your makeup, or something." I nod "Yeah! That'd be fun."

"And you told me not to flirt." Jake teases, and Johnnie playfully punches his arm "I'm not flirting, asshole." They both laugh. I lean on Tara, wrapping my arms around her with a huge smile on my face.

"This move feels promising already."


♡ 𝘐 𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ♡ //Jake Webber x F!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now