|Chapter Eighteen|

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It's currently midnight, and neither me or Jake can sleep. I've been on call with him for the last few hours, or at least since he ended stream. I came back home a few days ago, and we've been calling every night since. He says it's so he can make sure I'm ok, and I don't doubt that, but I also think it's because he got used to me being around all the time. "I'm bored!" Jake groans, and I laugh softly "So you've said." I look out my window, watching the raindrops on the window as they fall. "Hey y/n?" I hear him shift on the other end "Yeah?" I listen for a moment, waiting patiently for him to respond.

"Do you wanna come over?" His tone is soft and quiet, he seems almost hesitant asking. "Hun, it's midnight and it's raining." I laugh softly, and he sighs. "I know, I just.." He pauses for a moment "I'm just having a hard time sleeping without you now." I hum softly "That's sweet." I turn my attention back to my room, looking at the empty spot in my bed beside me. I sigh softly "Only if you come get me." I hear him shift on the other end again "Bet, I'll be there in ten." I laugh softly as he hangs up, and I grab my bear before I walk out to the living room to wait for him.

I'm sat with Jake in his car, watching the rain drip from my now soaked hair. Jake turns the heat on, sighing softly as the warm air hits his skin. I turn to him, laughing softly when I see his sour expression. "I love the rain, but I hate how it feels." He runs his fingers through his hair, and I feel my cheeks flush. He looks over at me and smiles softly "I don't know how you're fine right now." He laughs softly, and I laugh too in response. "I love the rain, and I love how it feels. Makes me feel alive." I shrug and lean my head back on the headrest, and he hums in response. He leans his head back against his headrest, and rests his hand on my thigh. I watch the rain hit the windshield, smiling softly as I watch it drip.

"Alright, let's head to my place." Jake keeps his hand on my thigh, squeezing gently. I smile sheepishly, anxiously fidgeting with the sleeves of my sweater as I feel my cheeks flush harder. "You ok?" He turns his attention to me for a moment, gently rubbing my thigh. "Yeah." I respond quietly, looking out the window trying to hide my red face. Jake hums softly to the music, drawing circles on my thigh with his thumb giving me goosebumps. "Hey y/n?" I turn my attention to Jake, smiling softly. "How are things with your mom? I wanted to ask sooner, but I felt like it was too soon." I shrug "I'm not talking to her anymore.." I look out the window again, fidgeting with my sleeves.

"That's honestly probably for the best, even though I know that's hard." He squeezes my thigh gently again, sighing softly. "It's hard sure, but... I don't know.." I shrug again, trying to hold back the tears that are already threatening to pour. "Y/n, it's ok to not be ok with it. It's hard." His tone is firm but gentle, it just makes me want to cry more. "We're almost to my place, then you can let it out." He gently brushes my hair out of my face, pinching my cheek softly making me laugh. "I'll be ok. At least I have you, Johnnie, Tara, and all our other friends." He smiles softly "And you always will." I feel my lip quiver, and the tears start to pour at his words.

As he pulls into the driveway, Jake turns to me giving me his full attention. "You're not alone anymore, and you don't have to feel like you are." He cups my cheek with his hand, and his sweet smile just makes me cry harder. He steps out of the car and walks over to my side, opening the door for me. He picks me up surprising me, and closes my door with his free hand. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his neck, crying quietly against his shoulder. "You're ok baby, I'm here." He reassures me, as he takes me to his room. He plops me down on his bed, and plops down beside me.

He turns to face me, smiling softly as he pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me gently. I rest my head against his chest, focusing on his heartbeat to calm me down. I sigh softly as my eyes flutter shut, and I curl up into his lap. Jake gently runs his fingers through my hair, running his hand up and down my back in a comforting motion. "Y/n." I hum softly and look up at him, waiting for him to respond. "I love you." He smiles softly and tucks my hair out of my face, and I feel my cheeks flush. "I love you too." He pulls me closer and hugs me tighter, and I laugh softly as I bury my face in his neck.

He holds me tighter as he litters my face with kisses, and I laugh softly in response. "I love you so, so much. Please don't forget that." I smile softly as I stare up at him "I get the feeling it's gonna be hard to forget." I joke laughing softly, and Jake just smiles. He kisses the top of my head, sighing softly as he runs his fingers through my hair. My eyes flutter shut as I melt against his touch, and I sigh contently. He lays down with me, still holding onto me tightly. I lay my head against his chest, hugging him tightly. "I'm never letting you go." He mumbles as he squeezes me tighter, and I laugh softly.


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