All Happy Families Are Alike

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At a rooftop

No one POV

Eleanor was looking down and Selina walked up and said "Hey" and Eleanor turned around and said "Hey."

Selina said "I want to give you good news" and Eleanor said "My hopes are not high, I can look at the facts."

Selina said "There's a warehouse, Victor owns it, It's under lock and key, I've tried everything, it's impossible to open."

Eleanor said "It's probably for weapons or something like that, The car went into the river, it would have crashed with rocks, If he hadn't died, by that, he would have died by drowning. Thanks for this, but no one has seen him, probably because his body drifted away."

Selina said "Hey, look everyone's distracted, we can look into it."

Eleanor said "No, My brother is dead, I have to accept that, Something would have been heard, him doing that torture thing with Butch took a few months, I would have seen Jake, but we haven't, and there's a reason for that."

Selina said "You sure."

Eleanor said "He was just trying to get into my head, I'm not going to let him. I'll be fine. My brother's been dead for years. It's a cruel sense of it, you know, I lose my twin who I was close to who was kind and good, and a really good stealer."

Selina smiled and Eleanor said "And I get stuck with my psycho monster of a brother. And abandonedee, if he's still alive."

Selina said "Oh , the world sucks."

Eleanor said "Yup."

At the GCPD

Lee's Office

Jim and Lee were talking to Barbara and Barbara "I am well. Much better."

Lee said "Yes. You are. This is your last checkup. You are all healed physically. But you need to get some trauma counseling."

Barbara said "Doc, I'm happy. I am happy to be alive. Which is why, Jim, I didn't want to leave without saying thank you properly. Thank you for saving my life."

Jim said "I was glad to do it."

Lee said "Miss Kean... trauma counseling, like, yesterday. I have several recommendations for you."

Barbara said "Really, Doc, I am fine."

Lee said "You're not fine. After what you've been through, nobody would be fine."

Barbara said "Fine. If you will be my counselor. And we do it at my place."

Lee said "No. I have some trauma training, but it's not my area of focus."

Barbara said "I like you. Hey, I can talk to you. Please?" and Lee said "Okay. Deal."

Barbara said "Thank you."

In Jim's Apartment

Eleanor was looking through a box of pictures and kept looking over at them, and the telephone rang.

Eleanor got up and answered"Hello?".

Jerome said "Hi, ya, sis" and Eleanor said "Jerome, they give you another phone" and Jerome said "A friend of mine did."

Eleanor said "Oh, you have friends there, more psycho than you or less psycho than you."

Jerome laughed and said "Your funny, sissy, you know I missed you, you don't visit much" and Eleanor sarcastically said "Oh, your right, how terrible of me to not visit my murdering psychotic brother who basically tortured me my whole life."

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