14. Rules

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Ellemir almost runs back to the castle and, once inside, she goes through rooms and halls, stairs and corridors, until, somehow, she arrives at the stairs to her room.

Once inside Ellemir stops, standing still and trying to resume normal breathing.
She closes her eyes and tries to stem the thoughts which are chasing each other like frightened horses.

She is in a situation already quite complicated and the task she must complete is so difficult that she does not know if she can do it. For more, in all this you can add the state of upheaval in which she plunges after each meeting with George Weasley, her arch enemy.

She massages her temples and begin to walk up and down like a tiger trapped.

Ellemir do not want to dwell on this, she does not have the time ... and it's not for her.
She knows she must walk alone, it is her destiny... Maybe because of her mother, her uncle or anyone else... now Ellemir has stopped getting angry and complain. This is her life and it will not be shared with anyone... although she would like to change it with all of herself, especially now. She can not pass to others a burden that she will has to bring her alone.

Ellemir has long accepted this state of affairs: the fact that she will never have a life like all the other girls does not make Ellemir suffer... until a few hours ago.

A pair of severe green eyes and a thick head of red hair are raising up in her mind, unsolicited, dreams and desires buried somewhere in her heart.

Why this man, of all those who are there in the world, has upset her in this way? Ellemir can not rest. 'What are you getting, girl? Listen to this madness will get you only so much pain' she continues to repeat herself, tirelessly walking around the room and twisting her hands up to get hurt.

A soft knock interrupts the course of her feverish thoughts.

Is the Headmistress.

Ellemir allows her to enter, then remains silent, waiting .

"Miss Lestrange, I feel obliged to warn you that you are not allowed to go out alone around the castle or the garden throughout the period of your stay here." The elderly witch stares to see if her words are well received by her interlocutor . " Or at least, you should always let me know where you are and where you want to go." She half expects a protest, noting the sudden movement of the girl while listening .

"It seems to me correct " says instead Ellemir "I will not give you trouble, I promise" she adds with a half-smile that seems to be mocking. "Infact , if you tell me where is your library I can tell you right now that I will remain in there almost all the time."

'At least until I find the information I'm looking for' she adds, thinking to herself .

"Very well, I see that we understand each other " replies McGonagall , satisfied . " Also, I would tell you that , after careful consideration , I have decided that we will not disclose your real identity to students arriving in a few days . It would not be appropriate, knowing who your mother is , and seen how many of them would have good reason not to want you here because of this. "

The harsh words of the Headmistress hit Ellemir as a slap in the face , although she recognizes the truth .

How long she will have to pay for crimes not committed by her? Will there ever be an end to it ?

Ellemir puts aside these dark thoughts once again. There is no use thinking about it or feel bad , because there is not a solution .

Holding firmly the mask of indifference that serves at times when she feels most vulnerable , makes a nod to the Headmistress.

"All right, I think that this is the best solution for them ... and for me . Now, if you allow, I would like to know where is the library." Ellemir cut short, to avoid further discussion on that topic.

McGonagall fixes the girl for a moment , puzzled . It seemed to her that she saws a shadow of suffering when Ellemir did heard what still means her last name, but now the girl's face does not express anything but a bit of boredom and annoyance.

"Very well, come with me ."

The two women leave the room, each one immersed in her own dark thoughts, which are all headed in the same direction with concern , although for different reasons.

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