32. Who are you?

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'What an unpleasant ghost!' Ellemir thinks, while is watching the water column caused by Moaning Myrtle who, furious at being disturbed by her arrival in her funeral ruminations on death, had made a splash in a bath with the maximum of the strenght as possible.

Moving away to avoid being splashed, Ellemir begins to look around.

Immediately she sees the fountain turned off with the taps on with drawn snakes that, according to 'Chronicles of Hogwarts in the first millennium', hides a tunnel leading into the Chamber of Secrets, where Harry Potter had challenged and won the terrible basilisk, saving Ginny Weasley from certain death.

Ellemir feels her palms sweat. She knows she could be near the end of her mission ... and to her liberation. Maybe tomorrow she will be able to stop and think about what has happened with George with a completely different spirit... a great hope borns in her heart while she spins around the fountain looking for the right faucet.

Fortunately, during the years of training, her uncle Drusus had found it useful to teach her Parseltongue ... "My dear Uncle, I have to thank you once again: if I can get the better it will be for you... It is funny, ins't it?" Ellemir exclaims with a smile as soon as she sees a faucet with a drawing of a snake a little bit different.

"Be opened!" She says softly in Parseltongue, raising her wand. Immediately the marble column falls with a shriek and in front of Ellemir appears the start of a dark tunnel.

"Lumos!" A light appears on the tip of the magic wand lights and Ellemir, without thinking twice, enters into the tunnel as black as night.

She does not pay attention to anything, such it is the rush. She walks, runs, falls... she wants to get into the Chamber of Secrets as quickly as possible and does not care about her surroundings.

The tunnel widens.

'Here we are!' Ellemir thinks, at the height of excitement.

Then she stops suddenly and sits on the floor, her wand forgotten light in his hands.

"DAMN!" Exclaims in despair.

In front of her there are just rubble.

It was all destroyed, perhaps during the Last Battle or perhaps later. There's nothing left. Could not find anything in the middle of that mess.

Looking at the rocks that are what remains of the Chamber of Secrets, something inside her breaks forever.

The seed of hope, which in recent days had begun to take root in her heart, it burns and disappears.

All is lost.

Her uncle won.

In this world there is no way of salvation for the daughter of Bellatrix. Her road is marked with no chance of way out or possible escape route.

No tear drops from her eyes, emptied of all light. She is gone beyond even it.

Wearily, Ellemir raises her left sleeve and looks at the Dark Mark tattooed on her arm. It is increasingly clear and pulsates relentlessly: it means that Drusus and the others Death Eaters are close, very close ... and that they won, even if they do not know yet.

Unless... While she stares at the Dark Mark on her skin, an idea takes shape. It 's crazy and desperate, but it's the only one that might work. It has a very high price, but the game is worth the candle.

Ellemir still thinks about it a few moments, but she already knows she can not do anything but follow it and ensure that it is brought to completion, now that it come up in her mind.

Rising slowly, almost leaving behind her the person who has always been.

Her gray eyes grow cold as steel, the features of her pretty face become hard up to make she looks like another person. She closes her heart in the deepest recesses of her soul: it can not impede this process.

While she is thinking about the next moves, Ellemir absentmindedly starts pulling down the sleeve of her dress, preparing to return to the surface...

A strong hand takes her left wrist and holds it firmly.

Ellemir blinks, coming to herself.

In front of her is George, his green eyes planted in hers and contorted with surprise and anger.

"Put up the sleeve" he orders. Ellemir fixes him a long time then, with a half smile as cold as ice, does what was ordered. The expression on George's face at seeing the Dark Mark is unequivocal: painful surprise, hopes destroyed, and then the re-emergence of the old hatred for her.

"You made fun of me and of all of us" he whispers in a voice that holds back the anger "Be you cursed. In the end, you are infinitely worse than your mother, at least she has never pretended to be what she was not."

He looks at her once again with renewed contempt and almost he does not recognize... she seems another person from that was in her arms a few hours earlier. The thought of that dance and the kiss increases his anger even more.

"What are you doing down here? What did you hope to find? Did you want to get here your colleagues? What a surprise, right? It 's been destroyed, you can not use this room for your plans, whatever they are."

Ellemir still does not speak. She seems completely insensitive to all the harsh words that George pours on her and does does not pay attention to the hand holding captive her left wrist with gripping tight, hurting.

Then she smiles, shaking her head "George ... George ..." another cold smile crinkles her beautiful lips "Do not you know that an apple never falls far from the tree? Have you thought I was coming here to redeem the portion of my blood? Or that I remained for your pretty face? How naive you are... " she ends, seeing how her words have hit the man in front of her who, hearing them, winces as if he had been slapped.

"Apparently yes, I definitely wrong," he admits in his teeth. Then stares Ellemir: for the first time, he sees on her face some of the unmistakable features of her mother ... disgusted, he looks away "But at least I have discovered it in time. Now you come with me. The headmistress will be very interested when I will tell her what I have discovered".

And, unceremoniously, he drags her away to the surface in a bad way.

Bellatrix's daughter [George Weasley]Where stories live. Discover now