Chapter One: The Blizzard Begins

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    Hello, and welcome to the story! This was actually one of the first fics I technically posted. I've edited quite a bit since, but I'm still quite proud of it.

    So, yes, this is a retelling of a Pokemon creepypasta. For the main character, I decided to stick with the name Gold, since that's what the Pokemon Silver's protag was called at the time. But yes, I know his actual name is Ethan now, and he was named Blake in the actual Snow on Mt. Silver story. I just found it easier to connect with him, if it were treated as if he truly is Gold/Ethan the character.



    Gold stared up the large, snowy slopes of Mount Silver. This was every Pokémon trainer's dream. Hike up the treacherous terrain of the mountain, face off whoever stands in your way, and finally...reach the summit. He knew who awaited him there. Determined to win, he began the long journey.

    "I've got this," he said to himself. "This is going to be simple!" He picked up his pace to a slow jog as he tromped his way up the first ledge. After sending one last look over his shoulder, he made his way upwards. He had a long journey ahead of him, but he felt completely confident that he could make it.

    The snow steadily began to grow as he went, changing from a few flakes to harsh winds and a steady snowfall. It was nothing massive, but certainly harder than at the base of the mountain. Barely fazed, Gold merely zipped up his jacket a little more.

    Determined as he was, he slowed his pace when the wind buffeted him. He fought it back easily, sending a glance around himself. The stone ledges were becoming less visible beneath the snow that blew across the ground. He knew Mount Silver often held difficult conditions like this. He hoped it didn't get any worse, but even if it did, he could handle it. Of course he could.

    If only he knew what fate would soon befall him...

    Gold mumbled to himself while he went, mostly repeating battle strategies. If Red truly was at the summit, as Gold guessed he was (for Red had been training up there for at least two years now), then he would need to be completely prepared. However, Gold felt secure in his abilities as a trainer. He had an excellent team behind him, after all. Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Meganium, Pidgeot, Tyranitar, and Lugia. Red was one of the trainers, sure, but that didn't make him invincible. Besides, Gold had a lot of experience under his belt now. He held all the badges, a load of Pokédollars, and had almost filled out his Pokédex.

    "There's no way Red can beat me," Gold said, picking up his pace once again. He was forced to slow, for the winds grew, even more than before. The snowfall increased as well; he found himself growing vaguely uncomfortable, shivering. Nevertheless, he carried on. It could be worse, after all. Though now, he rather wished he had brought along perhaps a thick coat, gloves, and a scarf of some sort. His mother always advised him to, if he were to ever go somewhere frigid, but he hadn't given it a second thought. But whatever. He was tough; he could handle a little cold...right?

    Well, a little cold turned into an increasingly frigid climate. The higher up the mountain Gold progressed, the more he began to shiver. He rubbed his arms as he went, silently hoping he reached the summit soon. He had to, right? It couldn't be that much farther up.

    "I hope it's warmer up there," he spoke through chattering teeth, "and Red or at least some sorta good trainer better be there. I don't want to climb this for nothing." A harsh gust of wind hit him; he stumbled but regained himself. His shivering continued to grow, as did the snow and the wind. The temperature, on the other hand, dropped. Lower and lower it droppd, while Gold went higher and higher. Before long, he was forced to slow his pace a good deal. His entire body shuddered, so hard he could barely stay in one place.

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