Chapter 1

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Chars Pov:

I got up, later than usual so I had to rush out the door, completely forgetting to lock my front door. I rushed into my car and sped away, thinking about how I was going to get shouted at by the parents for being late to work, "god I hate some of those parents." Id mumble to myself whilst I quietly drove to work, I forgot to charge my phone last night so I couldn't play my usual playlist. "Todays going to be a long day, I can feel it."

-a couple minutes later-

I'd arrive to work and run in, before seeing Marjorie with her 'I'm about to ask you for a huge favour' look on her face, "what is it Marjorie" id ask, knowing full well I had to go to the sister nursery to cover. "I'll get you a bottle of wine?" Marjorie pleaded "fine. I'll go now."

-after arriving at the sister nursery-

"Ugh, I don't know what room im in." Id say under my breath.
"Hello. Mia.."

Mias pov:

I woke up early, getting myself ready to deal with ignorant parents, I put makeup on my dead, no sleep looking face and threw my work uniform on, I then got in my car and got a notification from Reece "what does he want" I'd groan to myself, I'd open the message and to my surprise it said "I'm sick today, so your in charge. Charlotte is coming to cover at the nursery today." A grin would arise on my face "my day has just gotten much better." I went to get my daily black coffee with one sugar to go, I arrived at work and fixed myself up for Charlotte, when the doors opened the words "hello Mia" echoed the room.
"Hello sweetheart" I'd say, knowing she hated it.

Chars Pov:

I'd think to myself all the things Marjorie deserved right now, "stop calling me sweetheart." I'd groan at her
"Why would I do that?" Shed say, knowing fair well i hated it.
"Because I'm not your sweetheart!" I'd raise my voice slightly at her and storm off to the baby room, I didn't care if that wasn't my room, "I'll figure it out without her help" id grumble.

-after work-

The day would finally finish and id get ready to go "bye Mia, I'm going"
Before I left, I felt a pull on my arm, tugging me back into the nursery, and without saying a word, the door locked and inside it was just me and mia.. alone.

Mias Pov:

I'd see Charlotte and glance at her body, "my god she's hot." I'd think to myself
Hearing her voice, husky and grumpy, she's driving me crazy. "Why would I do that?" Id ask, in a teasing voice knowing she hated the nickname. Her voice, slightly arose when she spoke, "because I'm not your sweetheart!"
Before I could talk she had stormed off, "look who's finally growing a backbone" I'd say to myself,  as the day went on, I couldn't help but admire Charlotte, "she's so good with children.. she is so... snap out of it Mia!" I'd have to constantly remind myself that I didn't deserve someone like Charlotte, she was married for god sake. I wish I could be with her right now, as soon as I said that, I heard her voice
"Bye Mia, I'm going" that had me in a chokehold, I couldn't contain myself. I grabbed her arm in the nursery and locked the doors. It was only us, us alone in the nursery, together.

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