When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground

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Daenerys POV

A week later

Over the next week I continue meeting with Daemon in mid morning to spar then we go on Dragon flights in the afternoon. When we come back from our dragon flights we make time to talk of our pasts. I told him of all the places in Essos that I have been and my house with the red door and the lemon tree outside my room in Braavos. And after hearing him explain his relationship with his brother and cousins to me I start dropping nuggets of information on what could happen should we not change our circumstances.

It is the end of the week when Damon finally gets annoyed enough with the lack of expansion on certain viewpoints. She-dragon, you are slowly driving me mad there are times when you speak as if you have already lived this life and know what is to come but you never give me enough information to really understand what you are saying.

I smile my amusement towards him and say that he would not believe me if I told him my story that he would no longer believe himself going mad but that I have. It is different than my past life when people would refer to me as mad, you know the mad king's daughter, mad queen Daenerys, The wise master of yunkai saying that I am mad for demanding them to release their slaves in exchange for their lives. when Daemon may believe I am mad it feels like my heart is breaking all over again like I am watching Drogon push my body to wake me up with a dagger in my chest. "I do not wish for you to believe me mad and because of that I do not know how to tell you the rest of my story." Aegarax feeling my sadness hops into my lap while the other hatchlings find their own space to bed down for the time being.

And Daemons responds that it is his decision to make, it is his decision to judge the validity of my words and part of me agrees with that. freedom is making your own choice. I know I should not hold back any of it so that he may make an informed decision because if he truly believes me he will be my staunchest supporter. I negotiate I will tell him the rest of my story so long as he writes to Aemma to come to Dragonstone on urgent business. When he agrees with my conditions we sit surrounded by the dragons and I continue telling him the parts that I was too worried about telling him before; that I became queen of Astapor, Yunkai, and Mereen, that I freed the slaves and named it The bay of dragons that I was born in dragon stone but when I landed here the first time I did not remember it due to being smuggled to Essos within hours of being born, running from assassins, my fight for the iron throne against the Lannister's, losing highgarden and Dorne, and finally the north. the king of the north, Jon Snow, coming to dragon stone to demand my dragons, the minerals of our home, and my armies without a promise of anything in return, a refusal to bend the knee, a break of faith.

"I hope you burned him, Little Dragon. An alliance is supposed to be beneficial to both parties. Why did he ask for your resources?"

"In my old life he came for help in the Long Night. An army of dead people and animals preparing to end humanity. As I was not given a formal education I had no clue what he was talking about but it sounded ridiculous. And demanding anything from me was not the way to get my support. I told him I would help once he bent the knee. As an independent kingdom I had no obligation to their people, but I allowed them to mine the dragon glass as I did not need it. The king in the north judged me for attacking the Lannister army after they sacked Highgarden. The Tarlys became oathbreakers and joined the lannisters in the sacking. I killed the Lord and his heir when they refused to join me or the nights watch. He had just killed thousands to recover Winterfell, he allowed the Wildlings south of the wall after they raided northern villages killing hundreds, he was a man of the nights watch and he left the wall, fought for him previous home and gained a crown. When he came up with a brilliantly stupid idea of going north of the wall to obtain proof they got surround the dead army and I provided aid with my children. Viserion was killed by the Night King, the leader of the dead. After what I saw there I could not ignore that war. They brought Viserion back as one of them, essentially enslaved my child. I knew I had to kill my child to release him, a dragon is not a slave. So we joined their war. 100,000 Dothraki screamers, 8,000 unsullied and two dragons. The north had less than 20,000 and most of them were not fighters.
We won the long night but they used my men as human shields. I did not know Westerosi battle strategy and I did not know the enemy well enough. In Essos, the wars I fought were through deception, superior number, and dragons. It was too different for me to have an effective battle strategy. While in Winterfell we learned Jon's true parentage. Rhaegar was married to Princess Elia Martell, he tried to annul his marriage in secret and remarry Lyanna Stark. Robert Baratheon started the rebellion because he was betrothed to Lyanna and thought my brother kidnapped her. Rhaegar and Lyanna were Jon's parents. Growing up a Stark he viewed our relations as shameful even though his Stark grandparents were both Starks before marriage. And all the other houses casual incest. He ended things with me, I asked him not to tell anyone his parentage until I had control of the Kingdoms as Westeros will always prefer a man on the Throne. After a life time of assassins I knew what it meant for me. He refused and told his sisters, or cousins rather. Swearing them beneath the Weirwood Tree to secrecy. His sister told Tyrion Lannister the same day, who told Varys, when we made it back to Dragonstone we were attacked by Euron Greyjoy. He shot Rhaegal out of the sky and captured Missandei. I had to watch as Cersei had my best friend in chains on the battlements of Kings Landing then had the man who killed my niece, nephew and good sister killed, beheaded her. Her last words were Dracarys.
We went back to Dragonstone to prepare our forces. Varys tried poisoning me, I saw his helpers and knew what they were attempting after not eating for a week I had Varys arrested. I warned him if he would betray me, I would burn him alive. So I followed through with my promise. Jon looked at me like he believed I was as mad as my father. He judged my execution style as worse than beheading or hanging. My way was quicker and so hot you will not feel the pain, cleaner too. We took Kings Landing but when I was on Drogon, I was checking in through the bond to assess fatigue levels and I was not able to get back to my own body. The person who was controlling my body urged Drogon to burn Kings Landing to the ground, including the innocents. I stayed in Drogons mind for hours until Jon killed me, with a dagger to the chest. Drogon burned the iron throne and took me east.
I pushed myself into my own body knowing I would have but a few moments to say goodbye to my last child, then I breathed my last breath. The next time I came to was in the After world with Viserion and Rhaegal, I met Shrykos who gave me a mission. Save House Targaryen. Save the last scions of Old Valyria. It required traveling two hundred years into the past, to accomplish. When they sent me back I was in Valyria with my dragons, all my memories and gifts the gods gave me. You are my seventh great grandfather in my past life. I do not know how this changed things for me as changing the future has a butterfly effect."

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