I am no ordinary woman, my dreams come true

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Dany POV
We enter the Keep and I give the signal the Ser Luthor to give Harwin our message the hatchlings fly to my feet and I call the youngest looking guard to me. "Princess?" He asks. He is not prepared for what is about to happen and it brings me smug satisfaction that he will probably be too scared to move until the hatchlings leave him.
"Stay still. Extremely still. Children, climb to his shoulders, if he tries anything use your teeth, watch out for blades." I say, without a care for who can understand my words. It is better for them to know I have given the dragons a command to only harm if the guard tries to harm them first. It is good that they know a warning was issued. "Should you attempt to harm the hatchlings their teeth will tear apart any flesh they can find. If there is any part of you left afterwards, there will not be for long, do you understand?"
"Yes, Princess, I understand. I will not attempt to harm your dragons," the young guard says with a slight wobble in his voice. I nod to show my acceptance of his words then turn back to keep moving towards the throne room.
When we enter I notice that Aemma and Viserys are already there. The Kingsguard have spread out around the room and the Small Council has not fully gotten here yet. As we walk forward the guards flank us so there is no exit for us, the young one stays next to me and is walking stiffly with as little movements as possible. "Daemon? What is the meaning of this?" Viserys asks, exasperated by whatever antics his brother may have gotten up to this time.
"I do not know, brother. Why don't you tell me, considering you have had me arrested for treason?" Daemons voice belies his rage. He may have seemed calm while we were walking here but underneath that exterior is hurt and anger.
"Treason? I have not ordered this. What treason are you being accused of?" Viserys eyebrows are raised in his genuine shock and confusion.

"I think we should wait for the rest of the Small Council to get here, so that all questions only need be answered once, Your Grace," I speak up, knowing that if this goes any further Daemon will lose his poise and act rashly. Probably to take Ottos head, since he is not being restrained. Which is fine with me, but I want them all to hear the evidence obtained and we need the Grand Maester here so that we can get them both at the same time. Daemon looks at me and I see his rage in his eyes, but also understanding. I set Gaelithox and Fyrestorm down at Daemons feet and push my feelings to them in the bond for them to wait.
I turn to the guard next pick up the hatchling closest to me and say, "Tyraxes, go to Corlys, please." I throw Tyraxes in the air to give them a little momentum to make the short flight and they fumble slightly at the end. Instead of landing on Corlys' shoulder they go straight into his chest. Viserys, Aemma, Corlys and I all chuckle at the clumsiness. "We will have to work on that, little one." Next, I grab Arrax, looking around, I try to figure out where the youngest should go. Aemma moves down the steps and towards me. The Kingsguard near her moves with her, though she is no danger from me.
"Cousin, I will take Arrax and one other if you wish."
"Thank you, Cousin." I look at the dragons again. Shrykos, Gaelithox, and Fyrestorm send a symbolic message, they should stay. Aegarax would not like to be anywhere but with Daemon and me. Naathandei is the other side of the coin from Fyrestorm. Tessarion would not leave Daemon. That leaves Vermax. "Vermax will go with you as well." Daemon and I hand over the hatchlings as Rhaenys, Laena, and Laenor walk in. They move over to Corlys and Tyraxes crawls onto Rhaenys' shoulder as soon as she gets close enough. We do not have to wait long for Ser Luthor, Ser Harwin, and Lyonel to get here, the Grand Maester is not but a few steps behind them. Ser Luthor comes to stand with Daemon and I again shouldering a few guards out of the way as he comes to us.
Ser Harwin stands with his father near the other council members and so it begins. Aegarax puts himself at my feet, understanding my intentions. I send my request to Tessarion to do the same next to Daemon and hand him Fyrestorm. Fyrestorm and Naathandei are perched on his shoulders and Fyrestorm is almost blending into Daemons hair. Gaelithox starts climbing my legs and I grab them to put on my left shoulder, opposite Shrykos.
Viserys speaks up again, now that everyone is here. "What treason are you being accused of, Daemon?"
"I do not know. Your Hand said you ordered my arrest and I must come with him. He did not give the charge until my wife demanded it. When he told her the claim, we agreed to come here peacefully, to speak with you regarding the topic." Daemons rage has not lessened in his voice, not that I expected it to.
Viserys looks to Otto then, "I did not order Daemons arrest, so why are we here?"
Otto speaks smoothly then, "Your Grace, you made your intentions known to the Prince, that he was to wed Lady Rhea Royce. He disregarded that order and married a foreign bastard, the daughter of a whore. This is treason." I send my rage to my three eldest children then, the signal, and immediately they start roaring. I can feel Drogons smug enjoyment at getting to

scare people. Caraxes, Silverwing, and Vermithor joined Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion adding their loud roars and the six are flying towards us.
Viserys realizes how many dragons he hears, that it is not just our mounts who are letting their anger be known. "Why are dragons other than Caraxes and Daenerys' angry?"
"Well, that would be because Silverwing and Vermithor were with us when the Lord Hand made the arrest known. They were not pleased, Your Grace," I say firmly. The six adult dragons are here and Drogon and Caraxes are flying in front of the windows peeking in. Drogon seems even angrier now that he can see the Iron Throne. Silverwing and Vermithor land on top of the throne room roof leaning their heads down to look in on us. Rhaegal and Viserion realize what they are doing and join them. The added weight of four adult dragons worries a few of the kingsguard and council members. Drogon and Caraxes roar out again then land on adjacent roofs so they can get to us quickly if needed.
"Princess, if you would not mind calling the dragons off. They have made their point." Otto says. Aemma, Rhaenys and her family look pleased by the display of power and hostility, Daemons lips tilt upwards as he realizes the request I made in the Dothraki language before we left them.
"Have they, Lord Hand? Because I thought I made my point in the Small Council meeting. The Prince is my husband. An attack against him is an attack against me. And an attack against me is a terrible idea. I protect what is mine. And like the dragons of my House I hoard what I value greedily. I would not want you to miss the point again. Let me make this clear. As no formal betrothal was agreed upon by the Prince, he did not break any arrangement. His marriage to me, though not done by the Faith you were raised in, is legal and binding. I would be happy to make a bigger statement if you need help understanding your place." Daemons eyes darken as I speak and I know that if we are both in bed tonight that I will be enjoying the outcome of this.
Viserys wanting to bring peace back, calls our attention to him. "Daenerys, that is unnecessary, do you think?"
"No, Viserys, I think it quite necessary. Your Hand obviously acted without your say so. The Hand is supposed to work for your interests and he did not. When he looked into options for brides for Daemon he did not choose a Lord Paramounts daughter for the ensured loyalty of a Kingdom. He did not look to Dorne for a Princess to bring Drone into the fold, as a Princess is a match for a Prince. He chose a Lady from the Vale, who's loyalty is already assured due to Aemma being the daughter of Lord Rodrik Arryn and Princess Daella. So, I do not see how he has been working in your best interests. Then to arrest the Prince for a crime he did not commit without your knowledge and without your permission? He has overstepped." Not calling Viserys by his title was calculated and it seemed to hit where it was supposed to. The people in the room, besides Daemon and Aemma, were shocked by my disrespect. But truthfully, the cover story we came up with, means I am Volantene. Which dictates that Viserys is not my king. Though it is respectful to use his title, I do not owe him fealty.
Viserys looks to me, surprised. "You have not called me by anything but my title, since you have been here." Are you kidding me? That is what he is focusing on from what I said? I look at Aemma and notice she is frustrated by her husbands response too.

Lyonel moves forward then, "Your Grace. I have with me claims and evidence you should see." Otto has a smug but surprised look on his face with Lyonels declaration.
"Against Daemon?" Aemma asks, doubtfully. Sly queen.
"No, Your Grace, the claim is against the Lord Hand and the Grand Maester."
Viserys looks confused by that and I can feel Daemons excitement now, Otto loses his smug affect with this change.
Daemon POV
I watch her with dragons climbing all over her body and her gentle directions for them and realize that she is more dragon than human. She allows herself vulnerability with them when she does not allow it with people. I know from her past that it is lucky she is able to be vulnerable at all. That I am lucky she is here at all, but even more so that she accepted being my wife. She chose the dragons to remain with us well. Shrykos and Gaelithox are the colors of our House, Fyrestorm and Naathandei for the Valyrian coloring Targaryens all share, and Aegarax and Tessarion due to their closeness to us.
I watch her battle Otto and Viserys with words and she is breathtaking in her anger. I know she just wants to climb on our dragons and leave but will not do so until the threat of the Dance is prevented, especially when she knows she can win. If she had any doubt of winning we would have gone to Dragonstone where we would be able to send letters to straighten things out in a defensible Keep.
When Lyonel Strong moves forward to inform the King he has evidence to share Ottos smug face irritates me so much that I have to tighten my muscles to stay in one place so I do not take his head prematurely. Rhaenys and Corlys are keeping their facial expressions locked down and Aemma puts up a confused face when she asks if the evidence is against me. Lyonel saying no has Ottos face falling, but it was his statement that it is against Otto and the Grand Maester that makes my lip twitch into a smirk. Otto visibly pales and the Grand Maester starts moving to flee the throne room. The guards near the doors intercept him and force him to stand near Otto with guards flanking them.
I look to Harwin and slightly nod to him and receive the same in return. He did a good job getting the information to his father quick enough that the charges can be brought against Otto while everyone is here.
"Well, let us hear what crime you are accusing the Lord Hand and Grand Master of, my Lord," Viserys says, as if this is all too much for him and he doubts the Lord Hand could possibly done anything, there is a part of me that cannot wait for my brother to hear the crimes of the man he chose over me, time and time again.
"Your Grace, I make my claim against the Lord Hand and Grand Maester for treason. I have with me documents written between the Lord Hand and the Maesters with their crimes stated plainly." Lyonel being the Master of Law can only help our case at this point, Daenerys is

brilliant and her mind is incomparable, of course having the knowledge she does helps but how she uses the information and the people is what really matters.
"Read aloud a document, my Lord. I wish to know what was said in these documents," Viserys commanded, even if his softness made it sound like a request, they know with these claims against his small council members, he is giving a command.
"When the Lord Hand, Otto Hightower, visited the Citadel this day we met to discuss ending Targaryen rule. This resolve will take much time as it involves preventing multiple progeny from being conceived or successfully birthed. When the Lord Hand has a daughter of marriageable age we will have to find a way to convince the future King to set aside future Queen or get rid of her so that the King may marry the Lord Hands daughter thus starting the transition into having Hightower blood on the Throne. As long as the Hightower King after does not marry a Targaryen their blood will die out." Lyonel pauses a moment before speaking again. "That is the end of the first entry, Your Grace. The next one is an accounting of what they have actually done rather than the plans."
"Speak aloud their crimes." Viserys says succinctly, finally understanding the depth Otto was willing to go to.
"To keep track of our progress any cleansing of a progeny will be listed under the year we managed to cleanse them, whether the parents knew about them or not. All other events will be listed by the event themselves. Alyssa Targaryens death after Aegon birth. Aegons death. In the first three years of your marriage 7 children were cleansed in total. Since Princess Rhaenyras birth we have had to be more vigilant about administering Moon Tea to the Queen to prevent conception. That was the end of this entry, Your Grace."
"You killed my mother, brother and seven of my children? How could you Otto? My grandfather made you his Hand, I kept you on as Hand, how could you betray us like this?"
"Your family is full of abominations. The Valyrian race should have died out during the Doom. My family were Kings before Aegon the Conquerors field of fire. The Targaryens never should have been anointed as rulers over Westeros." Otto responds with vitriol.
"Grand Maester Runicter, you stand accused or treason, conspiracy and murder, what say you?" Viserys changes the conversation, the look on his face shows that he is in pain from the betrayal.
"I plead guilty." Daenerys starts moving towards the Grand Maesters back, hand on the pommel of her sword.
"I, Viserys of House Targaryen, first of my name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of Realm sentence you to die." Daenerys pulls Deaths Embrace and quickly cuts off the Grand Maesters head. It is probably wrong that watching her behead a man lights my blood on fire.
"Otto Hightower, you stand accused of treason, conspiracy and murder, what say you?" Viserys moves onto the Hightower cunt without blinking at Daenerys' display of brutality.

"I demand a trial by combat." The cunt says. And of course due to him being a knight we cannot deny the trial by combat.
"Brother, I wish to be House Targaryens Champion if he is fighting himself, if he chooses someone else to fight for him Daenerys should fight. But I would like to claim the kill regardless." I doubt he will allow me, but it cannot hurt to make this known in our mother tongue.
Dany POV
I look to Ser Luthor, "while this trial is happening if he does not fight for himself, I need you and Ser Harwin to ensure he does not escape. Daemon will be too focused on the outcome of the fight. Most of the men here will be, can you do this?"
"Yes, Princess. I will watch over him if you are the Champion of your House. Though I will say it would be unfortunate not to be able to watch you fight." Luthor agrees easily to my request.
"You keep him here and I will spar with you as much as we can." I respond in gratitude.
Otto speaks up then, "you want the little Princess to fight? Sure, she can behead a man standing still, but she is a woman she cannot hold up against a man in a true fight."
"I am not your little Princess, Hightower. The kings guard and some of the city watch have seen me fight. I assure you, I will not lose."
Viserys speaks up, "Daenerys, it is unbecoming of a Princess to speak in such a way."
"I am Valyrian first and foremost. The Blood of the Dragon runs through my veins and I do not bow to the gods let alone men. I meant my words and I will not pretend to be lesser because Westeros is small-minded. Volantis treats women better." Rhaenys and Corlys seem amused by my words and Laena looks awed by my fire. Aemma is standing with her husband as she must but the approval in her eyes shows she's more Targaryen then Daemon believed. Drogon feels my anger and roars out again, as if the people in this room need to be reminded that I have dragons perched on the ceiling. "But let us get back on topic, Otto has demanded trial by combat. Who is his Champion?"
Daemon POV
Viserys, Aemma and I sit down around a table because Viserys wanted to talk about Ottos crimes against our family. Viserys tells us he can't believe Otto had done this to our family

and it takes everything in me to restrain myself from taking it out on him. I look at Aemma hoping she will say what I was thinking.
"Husband, surely it could not come as such a surprise after hearing the evidence that was written, hearing what Otto said, and thinking over the suggestions he has made to you in the past?" Viserys looks to Aemma in that moment with a look I have never seen from him.
"Yes, well, how could you let them kill our children?" Viserys asks.
"You would blame us for what the man you made your Hand has done and what the Maesters you allow in our home have done?" I spoke up angrily. Daenerys should be here, she calms my temper and would support Aemma.
"Yes because Aemma should have been more careful in what she took from others." Viserys reasons as well as he can.
"Rhaenys should have won at The Great Council. You are too weak to be an effective leader and allow snakes in your home then blame everyone else when they bite, brother. Aemma and I are going to go mourn for our dead family, it would be best if you and I did not cross paths for the next couple of days unless there is an emergency. Your Majesty." I bowed my head the slightest I could get away with and walked out with Aemma. "Do you wish to go to your rooms or to Daenerys? Somewhere else?"
"To Daenerys, cousin. After that we could go wherever." We walked to Daenerys and my rooms and when we opened the door we were not surprised to find her giggling while hatchlings were crawling all over her. We were however surprised to find the young Velaryons there with her. Aemma and I stop in the doorway to watch something joyous. Daenerys looking so happy, the hatchlings playing, even the Velaryons smiling as they play with the small dragons. It is good to see something happy to remind us what we are fighting for when we are going through so much turmoil. Rhaella perks up and walks to Aemma to get attention from her bonded human and I move to go sit by my lovely wife, needing to be near her right now.
"Zhavorsa Khalakka, are you well?" Daenerys asks with all too knowing eyes.
"No, not that it should be a surprise but my brother in his infinite wisdom has blamed Aemma and I for the crimes being committed against our house and not accepted responsibility for his part in allowing them into our home and close enough to commit the crimes." I try to say calmly, knowing my rage would not be helpful with the Little Dragon.
"Well, we could take Otto out of the cells and make him watch us take Oldtown. I don't want to burn down the Citadel because of all the books and I believe there is a Targaryen there as a Maester? But the Hightower home could become the new Harrenhall." Daenerys says gleefully, like she has been itching to carry out her threat since she got here. "Aemma, if you would like to join us my children would take you as a passenger. You would not be able to command them as I do but you would be able to fly with us."

"How would we get Otto there?" Aemma asks simply.
"In the claws of Drogon. It would be most uncomfortable for him. Drogon would get much pleasure out of it." I tuck my head into her neck hidden by her hair, knowing I will enjoy where this conversation is going.
"Viserys would never agree to us taking Otto or burning Hightower." Aemma looks disappointed by this knowledge.
"Viserys no longer has a choice. I am bonded to all the Dragonpit dragons, the ten hatchlings and the adults I hatched, some of the Dragonstone dragons and Vhagar. He holds his title as King because I do not wish to take it from him. I only stay my hand because it would hurt you and Rhaenyra. If I want to make an example of traitors, I will do so. It would be a good reminder of the strength of the dragons and mayhaps prevent another Otto from happening. We will call it preventative measures." I have been kissing and nipping at Daenerys' neck for a minute now, her temper calls to my blood. "The family does live in the lighthouse, correct?" At my nod, she continues. "Therefore, we shall go there, I will inform the people in the keep that they should leave or perish with it, once they are out we take anything of value and bring it back here to add to the royal coffers once we are done burning their seat of power. This sends a message that the house was punished, the maesters lose Hightower protection, but we do not kill the innocents of their house or smallfolk working there. The Hightowers that survive will not have the wealth to rebuild their home, effectively losing all power in the region. The Tyrells should be able to rebuild and place a second son of their house and as Targaryens placed the Tyrells in Highgarden it will only bring more of their loyalty to our side when the reach is not one of our most current allies. Daemon and I will go to the Tyrells to inform them of the vacancy so that they know it was us and that we have no issue with their house." She is beautiful when she schemes and plots against our enemies. The rest of the night was spent with the hatchlings and the three of us.
Danys Dream that night
I find myself sitting on the cliff of Dragonstone looking out over the Bay when Balerion sits
next to me. "Long time no see, God of Death." I say playfully to Balerion. "What are you thinking about, Little Dragon?" He asks back.
"Well, I was considering the fact that I want to punish Jon for killing me. I thought I would feel like justice was served because he would have to live with being an Oathbreaker, Kinslayer and Queenslayer and his indomitable honor would be crushed with that. But I know that he will be able to tell himself that I was mad and it would make it bearable for him. I want him to know I was innocent of the crime he killed me for. I want him to know his so called brother is the one responsible so he has to live with the knowledge that I am innocent and then decide if he is going to kill Bran Stark for truly committing mass murder. But I have no way to do that and therefore I am trying

to figure out what I need to do and who would be helpful to my goals." I tell him, my anger mounting, with the need for justice.
"And what have you decided?" Balerion asks me.
"Well, Otto will die, his sons will go to the nights watch, his daughter either has to die or go to the silent sisters to serve her gods and keep her away from Viserys. Aemma needs to have at least two sons for stability. I need to find a way to make Valyria inhabitable again so Daemon and I have somewhere for us to stay while freeing the slaves where the dragons won't be disturbed. And I need to find someone loyal to me, a knight or warrior that is strictly loyal to me and considering who my options are in Westeros I am not liking the odds so far. If Dorne was part of the realm I would look at the Daynes, but they aren't. Then I have to plan out my invasion of Essos. Obviously I would start with Slavers Bay again, it is where slaves are trained and sold from. Ending it there puts a huge dent in the trade. It just feels very heavy, the burden is worth the outcome of ending slavery and ensuring my House survives, but heavy is the head that wears the crown." I lean my head on his arm and say flatly because it all feels tedious to say aloud.
"Yes, that is a very heavy burden to bear. But from watching your past life I know that if there is anyone that can wear that crown, it is you. And Daemon will help you, there is no doubt about that. But if you could have any knight in your service who would it be?" I don't think I will be able to bring someone else back from my time and if I could I wouldn't want to bring those I loved back. It would be too hard to see them after everything that happened.
"Hard choice, I loved Ser Jorah he was my first friend but he already died for me once I can't do that again. I can't put him in danger again. The same goes for Ser Barristan, he is one of the best, but he deserved peace after everything my family put him through. Grey Worm without Missandei is just cruel, so let him find peace in Naath, where he can protect her homeland as he wants. So I guess Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. He was loyal to my brother to the very end, was a great warrior and according to the people that knew him an even better man. I know I would have to earn his trust, but once I had it he would be loyal to me." The process of elimination is helpful, sometimes with everything going on in my head I need to speak it to someone and who better than a god when no one can see or hear our conversation.
"And what would you give me to have him?" I look at him sharply at that, because that makes it sound like he can bring someone else back.
"What would you want?" I ask, if the answer is something I don't find abhorrent, I know I will agree. I can't take many people with us when we go to Essos, but Arthur, we share blood, no the blood of the dragon, Dayne blood though, we have in common.
"You to become my consort after death. Of course you can still have Daemon too, but I would want the two of you to stay with me to help relieve me of my burdens." That doesn't sound like a problem, I already told him I would annoy him until the end of days when I pass beneath the shadow again.

"Well, I can agree to my becoming your consort, I don't know if Daemon would want to stay with us though. I will ask if he is amenable to that in the morning and you will have a full answer." I think Daemon would enjoy Balerion, they have similar personalities, but I don't know if he would agree to the proposal.
"No matter his decision I will send Ser Arthur to you at Dragonstone so you have time to meet privately and come up with his story. When you are done burning down the Hightower, your knight will be at Dragonstone near the nest waiting for you and the things you take from the tower, if he agrees to coming to this time." And with that finality of Balerion statement he kisses my forehead and I wake up.
Ser Arthur Dayne POV
I look around and see dragons flying through the skies and Valyrians throughout the city. I look down to check my weapons and find my swords where they are supposed to be.
"She picked the right man if this is how your head works. Automatically observing your surroundings and checking for weapons. I can see why out of everyone she chose you." I put my hand on the pommels of my swords prepared to fight but curious about his statement.
I ask, "Who and for what?"
"Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the Last Dragon, the Unburnt, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Meereen, Astapor and Yunkai, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Mother of Dragons and Breaker of Chains. Rhaegars little sister. The Fourteen Flames, the gods of Old Valyria, sent her on a mission to save her House. It required her to go back to before the Dance of Dragons to change the events that would ruin the Targaryens. When I asked her what she was thinking about she gave me a whole list of what she needed to change and her goal after her house is safe. The only thing she said that was remotely for her was she needed to find a knight that would be loyal to her for the wars to come. And that Westeros during the Dance doesn't provide a knight worth her time. I asked who she would want to bring to her and instead of asking for Aegon the Conqueror, or Visenya who would be able to ride her dragons she said she couldn't bring herself to let Ser Jorah Mormont or Ser Barristan come back as she loved them and they died for her once before, they were both extremely loyal to her and would have been again, but she did say that she would want Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. Because you were loyal to her brother until the bitter end, a great warrior and from what she heard about you, an even better man. She is willing to trade rebirth when she is supposed to be born to have you come back to help her." The man responds.
"What does she need help with? You said she had a list of things to save her house and a goal for after?"
"Yes, Otto Hightowers death, his sons being sent to the wall, his daughters death or being sent to the silent sisters, Queen Aemma needs to have at least two sons so Daenerys has to keep her alive long enough for that, a way to make Valyria livable again, so that when she ends the slave trade in Essos she has somewhere safe for her and her dragons. In her fated

life, she took Slavers Bay and freed the slaves. The Unsullied and the Dothraki followed her, she took Westeros, but was killed by Rhaegars son for a crime she did not commit. I will warn you, she is incredible and compassionate, she had a gentle heart but after all that has happened to her she doesn't trust easily and she is ruthless to her enemies. She is a battle commander in her own right, a queen in her own right, a warrior and a dragon rider. She thinks she needs a trustworthy knight because the only people she trusts are Daemon and Aemma, but she could bring the world to its knee for her all on her own. She looks like Rhaella, but she is a conqueror, make no mistake. If you betray her she will have her dragons burn you alive. That's how she killed Varys when he tried to poison her."
"So bring stability to the House, which will prevent the Dance, then she is going to end slavery. She sounds incredible. And nothing like her father, but everything like Rhaella and what she wanted her daughter to be."
"She is tiny, beautiful, intelligent and humorous. But her life was a difficult one. When she met Rhaegars son neither of them knew of his parentage and he was King in the North. He refused to bend the knee for her aid. Her words to him were "I have been sold like a broodmare, I have been chained and betrayed, raped and defiled. Do you know what has kept me standing through all those years in exile? Faith. Not in any gods. Not in myths and legends. In myself. In Daenerys Targaryen. The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries until my children were born. The Dothraki hadn't crossed a sea, any sea, they did for me. I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms and I will.'"
"She's strong. Stronger than she should have had to be. She was supposed to be a Princess, maybe Queen if she had married Aegon, but not like that. She never should have known such pain."
"She will tell you her story when she is ready but I will tell you Viserys was the cause for a lot of her pain. You do have a choice though, you can stay in the After Life or you can go to her."
"I will go to her. I want to meet her." "Do you speak Valyrian?"
"Not much. Rhaegar didn't use the language often, Aerys even less. Rhaella only when teaching the children."
"Ask Daenerys to teach it to you. Her, Daemon and Aemma really only speak Valyrian. Daenerys speaks High Valyrian, bastard Valyrian, Dothraki, and Common Tongue fluently and some Ghiscari. But she only speaks the Common Tongue when forced to. And when you meet her, tell her innocuous House words are how she will get Valyria, well and you may have to kill some stone men."
"Understood. Where will you send me and how do I find her?"
"She will come to Dragonstone after her Harrenhall. I will leave you at her Dragons nest and she knows that is where I intended to send you if you agreed to go. So just wait for her and she will find you."

Jon POV (Balerion Dream)
It has been a year since I killed Dany, and my thoughts are constantly consumed by if it was the right thing to do. Ned Stark would be disgusted with me becoming the things he hated most. Oathbreaker, Kinslayer, Queenslayer. Yet, she burned Kings Landing and was going to keep on burning until there was nothing left to burn. So I know her death was morally right, but it should not have been by my hand. I did to her what Thorne did to me and that disgusts me, Thorne would have killed me again for killing Rhaegars sister and Rhaellas daughter.
And that night, the anniversary of Danys death, I dreamed I was back at Kings Landing. I was riding Drogon, burning Euron Greyjoys fleet, burning the scorpions, then the Golden Company. I was sad, the loss of life, destructions of walls that protect the citizens and ships that would be needed for trade and transport. Sad, because Sweet Missandei, my children, Ser Jorah and my people died for these ungrateful, selfish Westerosi. Drogon landed on a building and I looked to my bond with him to check on my last remaining child, needing to know his fatigue levels and needing a break from my own sadness, even if only for just a minute. Becoming one in the bond allowed me to feel Drogons emotions, his grief over his brothers, his love for me and the children he smelled inside of me. I went to leave the bond knowing Drogon was still healthy and energized, but when I started pulling myself out of it I could not find my way back to my own body. And then we were flying again and burning everything we could reach while I was desperately trying to force my way back into my own body to stop what was happening.
After the burning was over I still wasn't able to leave Drogons mind and our bond. For hours I was stuck and after everything I felt relief at no longer being the Queen, for the simplicity of being a dragon. It was the first time I felt peace, the relief felt like I have not known this peace my entire life, but knowing there was a red door in Braavos that was my peace at one time even with assassins being sent for me. And then Drogon roared in pain and went to find my body in the Throne Room and we burned the Iron Throne but not the father of the dragons inside of our mother, we should let him live to know what has happened to us. Because there is only one person strong enough to skinchange into a human let alone a Targaryen who's blood is magic and bonded to a dragon. We took our mother to Valyria, our home land. Then I was able to leave Drogons mind and heard the goodbye to my last child.
I sat there next to Drogon when he burned his mothers body which lost the magic which kept it unburnt in death.
"So now you see." A man's voice reached my ears and I didn't want to look up. I didn't want to acknowledge that Dany was innocent. That I killed the woman I love and apparently our children for a crime my brother committed.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Balerion, the God of Death of the Valyrians. You have killed my daughter, The last Scion of Old Valyria, the last Dragonlord, and my grandchildren." I looked up to see a classically

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