WOOSH!! within a split second the person in black scarfs standing behind Aqugi is hit with some type of projectile just before they could swing the branch at her. Sarius pulls back taking Aqugi with him as they fall through the tree branches while simultaneously landing separately on their own feet. Sarius looks up as another projectile rips through the sky.
"THAT WAS SERGIO JUST NOW" Another projectile soars through the air causing another black scarfed agent to come falling out of a tree, but not before he catches himself midflight to cling onto a lower hanging branch to break his fall, and that's exactly when a giant rubber band literally snipes them square in the dead center of the their chest instantly causing them to fall out of the tree. "Ha!! and that was just Sammy, But how? "
"COMING IN HOT!!" Coming in from the top of the trees is Sergio and he's holding onto Sammy from the waist as they both land in front of Aqugi and Sarius causing a thump from the ground that can be felt throughout the area. Sammy lets go of Sergio and they both Solute their Captain. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING? I THOUGHT I GAVE YOU AN ORDER TO GET OUT OF HERE" Sammy scratches his head while Sergio fixes his bow on his shoulder. They both stand there quiet until Sammy looks over at his side where his arm is missing.
"I mean yeah you gave us an order Capt., but given scope of this mission we couldn't bring ourselves to just leave you here alone.....but as we can see you're not quite alone are you? " Sarius looks over at Aqugi and then scratches his head too. "Oh yeah that's right, this is Aqugi, Aqugi Aquarius. She's from the land ruled by Uranus she's also leading a team herself and apparently on they have the same objective" Aqugi greets the two petty officers, but just before anyone else could speak or move, one more black scarf ends up falling upon the ground unconscious. Aqugi looks at Sarius, Sarius looks at Sammy, and Sammy looks at Sergio while Sergio's aiming at the top trees while slowly rotating.
"Capt., it looks like we're completely surrounded, there's at least 20 soldiers or so at every angle" Before Sarius responds he's instantly stopped by a hand that's in a chopping position against his neck too close for him to make any sudden moves. WACK!! BOOM!! In a quick and smooth exchange Sarius easily removes the hand from around his neck causing what appears to be a young man dressed in a blue apprentice officer uniform similar to Aqugi's, to flip over on their backside and pinned down by Sarius's giant slingshot with him Hovering over asking "What made you think to do something so reckless at your current vibe? Are you trying to die?" Aqugi places her hand on Sarius's shoulder to calm him down.
"Stand down Sarius he's one of my subordinates, this is Aquota one my closest friends and currently in training to become my number 2, I'd like it if you could kindly unmount your slingshot from off of him" Sarius gently lifts his slingshot and Aquota gets up and stands next to Aqugi as he catches his breath and dusts himself off. Aqugi then walks up to Sergio and lowers his weapon as he looks upon her dumbfoundedly. She then looks up and around the forest and yells "Squad! SET!!" All 20 soldiers hiding within the top of the trees jump down in unison and at attention. "YES, MA'AM"
Sammy, Sergio and even Sarius stands there totally surprised at Aqugi's soldiers' stealth abilities for such a big team and for them to even be able to sneak up on an advanced squad such as Sarius Sagittarius Level 4 squad. "My apologies guys these men are a part of my squad. I told them to stay put, but, I take it as both our squads seem to not be able to follow specific orders today" Aqugi then turns to face Aquota and her squad as she says to Sarius. "So, since we're all here what do you say if we make this a joint mission, perhaps we could complete this without so much risk together" Sarius turns to Sammy and Sergio. "That doesn't sound like a terrible idea honestly, but I am still missing one of my boys. WHERE IS SANDERS?"
Fantasy{An Original Story!} Civilization ended a century ago. The aftermath of a war that seemingly broke out of no where literally altered the world as we know it today......the few people left at the time were all infected with illnesses from air pollut...